Thursday, June 3, 2021: Bugs and Raindrops

When I played later last night, I caught my first firefly of the month! Always been a fan of seeing them on June nights throughout the series.

Avery invited me for a cup of iced coffee. Sounds nice - I've been going on lots of walks too! And Sydney said it was gloomy outside. I agree! And when I loaded up New Leaf a bit later for my series after finishing my New Horizons play-session, I saw it was gloomy in that game, too! At least it was sunny in real-life.

Merengue let me know how itchy she was, and I figured she had a flea problem. I got a Nook Miles milestone for catching it.

I saw a couple of Rajah Brooke butterflies to catch, and I caught this one just as the clock turned to 4pm - and it started to rain! Always fun to see the first droplets of rainfall.

And speaking of bugs, I ran into Flick today, and sold him some. It'll be fun to try and work on catching more bugs this summer!

And finally, since I was watching a video from ChuyPlaysNintendo (a YouTuber I was watching and listening to his podcast while waiting for this game to release and any news on an Animal Crossing being announced for the Switch) on his review of the Nook Miles in this game, I flicked through my cards to see where I was at. I've never focused on the Nook Miles, but seeing as they act as achievements in the game, it could be fun to work towards 100% completion, at least with the Nook Miles. I really do love this game enough that I could try and grind them out!