Tuesday, November 17, 2020: Winter Update Hype!

I know I said I wasn't going to post much this week - and this one's pretty short! - I just thought I had to post a bit after Nintendo's announcement trailer for the Winter Update! Oh my goodness, it's going to be so exciting! Turkey Day (instead of the Harvest Festival) and Toy Day look quite similar to New Leaf, and they're both so festive and cute! And the music, with the glockenspiels for Toy Day (as I analyze similar orchestration moments in Unsuk Chin's 2001 Violin Concerto) - and a new rendition of the Harvest Festival theme I orchestrated back in 2011 for City Folk! Whew, it's going to be so great, and will probably be my favorite update thus far! These updates do make for little events within this game's community, which is kind of neat.

I also thought I'd post some of the autumnal things I did last night during the day, so you can see them better. Here are some actual pictures now :P Just look at the leaves in the orchard especially!!

I dug up another rare mushroom today. I'm still planning to play every day to try and get some mushroom D.I.Ys before they're gone, but still no luck!

I ended my session today catching a pike. I will probably continue to do these dailies and at least log in if I have time, but I won't be blogging till the weekend or next week. I can talk about my reaction to the new reactions (haha) and post any pictures from this week then. See you then! And I'm truly feeling it this time - never stop Crossing!! :)

Here's another video Nintendo posted today - Brie Larson playing her favorite Nintendo Switch games. :)