Tuesday, February 2, 2021: Ogre Costume

Isabelle was worried she didn't charge her phone last night - a bit of dialogue from her I don't recall seeing before. I'm sure there's an outlet in the building! Also, Clay was all excited about my money tree escapades recently.

Sherb said the clouds looked suspicious. I looked up and quite agreed with him. It just snowed yesterday, too!

I'd forgotten to check the Able Sister's before they closed last night - they were selling some Festivale clothes! They had colorful dresses for sale, but I went for this ogre costume instead. Green for Shrek! Sable seemed to catch on with my rounds heading to the shops every day.

I thought I'd place some of the Festivale items I've been getting outside around the plaza in preparation for the festival, similarly to what I did for New Year's Eve. I also found I could customize the color of the items, but I need feathers for that. I assume, like in New Leaf, I'll be able to net feathers eventually!

Finally, I headed over to Mr. Resetti's area to see if he could see his shadow. I could see it, but that does not correlate to him being able to. In any case, it was a fun throwback to the original Animal Crossing, even if nothing happened. I also threw some beans at Sherb and Clay, the only villagers I saw today, for Setsubun, to chase their spirits away.