Friday, May 7, 2021: Orange You Glad?

I decided to play briefly this morning after my craving to play Zelda: A Link to the Past beforehand - learned on that the Switch is officially Nintendo's 4th best-selling console! Breath of the Wild at #5 and New Horizons at #2!

Anyways, in the mail I got my prizes from completing the May Day maze a couple days ago.

I put Rover's photo for now next to Jingle's. I also finally switched out my main room's wallpaper and flooring, and the orange colors and nostalgia from the past games with this setup make me so happy! Now I just have to fill it with furniture - I got rid of the musical chairs set-up I've had for months at this point! I think his quote is a reference to the original Animal Crossing where he asks you questions at the start of the game on the train. Man, if our GameCube is available, I'd love to play the original game again... Maybe this summer. And City Folk on the Wii U! (My Wii doesn't accept discs.)

Since I was playing A Link to the Past on the SNES Switch Online, I decided to put on my Link cosplay as I went around digging up fossils this morning. I also thought I'd show the new entrance and bushes I put around the "mini-game plateau". I've got some ideas for trying some sort of neon theming for at least a section of it, but we'll see.

I also helped out Gulliver at the beach.

I may have mentioned this before, but I did leave this group of coins from my obstacle course here, just for fun. Finally, I liked how the Nooklings were selling this fancy wall item next to a toilet-cleaning set. Nice. :P