Friday, October 23, 2020: A Dark and Spooky Night

Fauna told me about a seagull washed up on the beach - taking these pictures reminded me to go see him later on tonight. Why couldn't she have gone see him? Why do I have to do everything around here??

As I was talking to Sherb, Fauna was finishing waving to him through me. :P

Lyman was thinking hard at the bridge to the zen area, and told me he wanted to move. I decided to let him go - he's been there since the very beginning, but we let Mira go a while ago, and I didn't really have an opinion of Lyman either way.

Here's a look at my pumpkin patch on this spooky rainy night.

The mysterious seagull on the beach was Gullivarr, who I haven't seen since the summer. I went diving for his communicator, and got an oyster as well - I think it might be one of the new seasonal things.

On my way back, I saw Sherb mentioning Lyman moving out already. Word travels fast! It is a small island, after all. He also had some good advice to make him feel better about it.

Phil was crafting a spooky arch! I made it and set it up at the entrance of my house. Maybe I'll craft another one and put it at the entrance of the island.

I was staying up late today playing various Switch games and working on things, and when I played later Cookie was saying some spooky things. :P

I played even later (2am) right before I went to sleep in real life. I found my bottle message and crafted this log backpack. It was also nice seeing the neighbors who were asleep with their porch lights still on, like neighborhoods usually do in real-life