Tuesday, April 14, 2020: Expanded House!

I had quite a lot of mail when I loaded up the game tonight. I bought a few street lamps to put around the town, plus Label gave me a redeemable ticket at Able's. Merengue sent me a letter congratulating me on my house expansion! Thanks, friend!

Sable didn't really have that much backstory for me today, but she gave me something I can use to customize furniture, I think? I'm honestly not completely sure, to be honest. I'll look into it more some other time.

I spotted Flick at the northern-most part on the top cliff and sold him a couple bugs.

I headed into some of my neighbors' houses - Lyman wanted to know what my favorite food was. For some reason, the favorite food selection in Earthbound popped into my head when the keyboard popped up on-screen...

Mira and Merengue were hanging out as well. I know Mira; I have to up my house game too! Maybe a weekend project sometime.

Speaking of houses, here's the new room added to the back. Also, I didn't realize this, but the amount of items I can have in storage went up! I got this piano bench from the sky (I remembered from Kyle's house). Now I just need the piano... and a bunch more instruments...