Thursday, March 18, 2021: Nostalgic Morning

As always seems to be the case, I wasn't going to even blog today; but then things got exciting, and I knew I'd want to have a record of it! :) It started when I noticed there was a Nintendo Switch Lite for sale! I was watching a Japanese vlogger playing this game on a yellow Switch Lite last night; while it wasn't that color, I'm sure I could get it if I wanted it. The blue will go nicely with my ACNH-themed Switch in my bedroom, or maybe I could start a Nintendo room like I did in New Leaf at the museum, if you remember.

And then! When I went to the shop, casually flipping through the cabinet menu, I noticed a mod wall for sale! This particular item has been in the series I think since the GameCube game, and has given me lots of childhood nostalgia for my favorite color, orange, I think in that game and the DS game, and possibly City Folk as well. So I of course had to buy it, along with some potentially-matching flooring.

This is less exciting, but I was also feeling nostalgic for cozy 10am mornings. I've had happy memories playing other games in the morning, like Nintendogs + Cats on my 3DS (who remembers that game/series?!) or Wii Fit, walking through the virtual mountains. Of course, in real-life too, going for morning composition walks in the sunny weather has always been something to bring me joy. So I guess that's what I was feeling here, with the clear sky, springtime weather, the trees... New Horizons' art style really amplifies this feeling for me!

I also spoke with this wall - the camera didn't pan above like it usually does! Because of how I've built this top section of my obstacle course, it's funny how things can be hidden. Hope you aren't getting too many spoilers for Saturday! :P

Anyways, I cleaned out my inventory so it would be all set for Saturday, and checked out my wallpaper and flooring! I love it - instantly got a blast of nostalgia from Wild World, I think the first game I saw it in...? Though really, who's to say. I wasn't blogging anything back in 2006, 2007, etc. I kept up the Mario wallpaper and flooring for now, but put my new ones on the bench so I would remember them later, when I really sit down to do some more house decorating. My house is always a mess it seems!

Alright! For reals - wasting a bit of time blogging this but I'm also really glad I played! I can save all these exciting plans for later on. Looking forward to Saturday still! Now I'm just thinking of morning cross country meets on Saturdays, even if we'll probably do this in early afternoon... Should be a big fun community event regardless, both in my social circle and in the wider Animal Crossing and Nintendo community as a whole!