Saturday, December 21, 2013: Winter Solstace

Post date: Dec 22, 2013 12:49:10 AM

When I turned on the game this morning, I thought something weird had happened to the clock at the title screen. But apparently it's normal; it's nighttime the whole day during this day. It's so weird though...

At the event plaza, there was four face cut-outs (for 4-player multiplayer!) and Isabelle handed out glow sticks so we could see our way.

Bam reassured me that this was meant to be.

Annnd Nook's expanded! Leif got a little part of the shop, too. There's no second floor, though! Hmm... And I heard you can get a third floor with Gracie, but I haven't seen Gracie at all in the game.

Phineas was in town, and he gave a badge for playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf a lot. I guess that's been true since, like, the 11th, so... This is just one of my 'obsession spurts'. Eventually, it'll die down and there will be less entries. Sorry. Enjoy an abundance of playtime for right now, though! :)

Anyways, I also gave Snowmam five snowflakes to get the icy wall; later I gave her five more for the icy floor. They look so cool! I'll show you a picture of them later on.

I built Snowtyke with the two snowballs today, and when she realized the family was in town, she got excited and promised to send me a gift.

Probably because it was a holiday, Brewster wouldn't let me work part-time today. So I guess I'll have to try this out tomorrow (if I have time to play).

I'm not sure if Hugh already mentioned this before, but this is what Hugh wants. Toy Day is only three days away!

So I put the ice stuff upstairs. I really need to make this room bigger... Maybe I'll be able to start making lots of money if I can play every night.

I did go to the island, and the weather is normal - it was cloudy, but there were no stars, so it was kind of weird... Anyway, that pretty much wrapped up my time in Liontown today.