Tuesday, April 7, 2020: Kicks and Clothes

Because I woke up at 4 in the morning and had my Switch on my nightstand, I decided to play a little bit. You can see the first glimpses of the sun starting to rise in the east.

I guess the game considers things to start at 5am, instead of 6am as it was in past games. Isabelle let me know about a new bamboo recipe she sent to our phones, so I went ahead and crafted it and the picnic blanket under a cherry blossom tree. More pedals are falling from the sky, just as they were in the GameCube version for the Cherry Blossom Festival (although none of my villagers were bringing it up).

Kicks was in town square, selling shoes (as he did in New Leaf/shining shoes in City Folk), as well as backpacks, purses, or bags! I went ahead and bought a backpack... and now I feel like a Pokémon Trainer in Sword and Shield. :)

Sherb was swinging on his bench outside his house to wake up. Everything's exciting for the first time! It makes me wonder if the villagers will mention traditions starting in subsequent years of playing the game.

Later on in the morning when I played, I checked out Able Sister's. Sable is becoming a little more friendly now! The gist of her dialogue hasn't really changed much over the games, but I'm excited to see if she'll say anything different later on.

I also bought a new outfit. My sister made a bamboo wand, which lets you register and change outfits on the fly! I need to start collecting clothes - and more bamboo and star fragments! - and make a wand of my own!

I bought a new carpet at the Nooklings' store that I think fits better with my new cityscape wall. I did like my old carpet and wallpaper, but it's fine to change, too!

Once I was done shopping, noticing cherries and apples and pears on the trees, I started planting more trees, doing the old-fashioned tactic of cutting down existing peach trees to put in the foreign fruit.

Check out our garden blooming! It'll be exciting to see what hybrids we might get.

As always, I'll post any updates if anything exciting happens later on today, but for now I shut off my Switch to get started on my VGM Suite! From one game to the other... Plus, Stampy will be live from England in his Lovely Island (it'll be late there since they're 6 hours ahead!) playing this game, too! How exciting!