Tuesday, September 3, 2013: Dream Suite

Post date: Sep 3, 2013 5:48:08 PM

It was raining in town today, but that didn't really matter... the Dream Suite opened! Shrunk needs to work harder... it's been four days and he's still not done!

Anyways, at the Dream Suite, I visited three towns. Two were just randomly selected; the third was Forest, from jvgs.net (a YouTuber I watch).

His house was cool... just as I remembered it from a video tour.

And yes, the golden furniture is again available! (On City Folk it was DLC.)


I really like how the music and sound effects echo when you're in a dream.

After I finished at the Dream Suite, I headed to the Able Sisters and scanned a QR code for a shirt with Link and the Master Sword from my iPod on a video I watched. Then I updated my ID photo.

I also attended a ceremony for the completion of the Dream Suite. That building will be a lot of fun to visit in the future! After the ceremony, I made a town tune of 'Song of Healing' from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

That's it for now! Thanks for reading!