Friday, March 20, 2020 - Arrival on the Island

Post date: March 20, 2020

So... I was dumb and completely forgot to take screenshots while I started out at the very introduction of the game. Luckily, I have this livestream to remember it by:

But yeah, my first impressions of New Horizons were overall great! Here is a look at some of the items I acquired: a Nintendo Switch atop a cardboard box, and a campfire by my tent. I managed to pay off my tent via Nook Miles (5,000 of them), and should get a new house tomorrow.

Here is a look at my starting villagers. You really start out meeting a tiny fraction of the wider cast of Animal Crossing characters in this game! And these two were added in New Leaf, and I don't know those new villagers as well!

The message bottles from Wild World have returned! (Though I was happy to see Krysta point that out on the special Animal Crossing Switch in a recent Nintendo Minute episode.) This one told me how to make a mirror (the new DIY crafting mechanic), which I can use to change my character's appearence - I accidentally mashed through the character creation process and couldn't go back... Unfortunate, but oh well. I'll fix him up later. :)

So yeah - just a few pictures from today's play session. Overall, I'm excited about the game! I was able to play it with my family tonight where they made characters, so that brought back memories playing the older games with my sister always fishing with her ocean house... She did that here, too! I loved the opening cinematic, even if I had some qualms with it not being the exact time of day right at the start... It's just a very different start to the series, is all.

So far crafting doesn't seem too bad, and gives us something else to do. The game seems like it's starting out very slow, but I can only imagine what weeks and months and years spent working on our islands will provide us in the future!

I'm spending the next couple weeks avoiding watching other YouTubers play the game (such as Jeff, whom I've mentioned in my New Leaf blog, and Stampy, who I discovered in 2014 and did a livestream today of his moments starting the game). I want to enjoy it for myself (and with my friends). And as I'll be livestreaming, as opposed to making videos, these blog posts may not be as detailed as other Animal Crossing bloggers like Jeff (again, as I said in my New Leaf blog, I'm still a composer, and even busier now than I was back then!). However, Animal Crossing still provides us with a relaxing break, and I can't wait to see what the future of it holds! I'll be posting here as much as I can, as well as to my YouTube channel, if you are looking for one more bit of content on what will become an incredible game by Nintendo. I'm so happy I have it and can't wait to continue playing it!