Saturday, September 7, 2013: K.K. Space

Post date: Sep 8, 2013 3:02:39 AM

I played early in the morning. Bam wanted to see my house, so I led him over.

I went out to do my errands and almost ran out of Play Coins for fortune cookies! However, I went for a walk (in real-life) with my 3DS in my pocket, so I could get some more. Anyways, I went to the Dream Suite and summoned courage to go to the Aika Village, a popular and haunted Japanese town about a lonely girl and her parents. It's pretty creepy, and the story can be taken multiple ways. Symbolism is everything here! :)

This happens normally, but was creepy here. If you're playing in a dream village and a player of their town is in their house, depending on the house's layout, they can block you from entering rooms. The girl, Aika, in this picture, blocked me from leaving a side room! I had to go in and come out three or four times before she finally let me go. Creepy!

I also got my Dream Code, so view it below. At the Club, I got another emotion: mischief. I also just noticed the music playing in the background is the theater music in City Folk.

I also shot down my very first balloon! I got a balloon TV. So I guess in New Leaf you can get exclusive balloon furniture? Hmm...

After a lot of Minecraft (ugh), I returned to the game at about 9:35pm to hear K.K. sing his acoustic Saturday night special, like in all the previous games. He sang me K.K. Space, which was a new piece and sounded cool, especially the aircheck. I also requested another one and he sang me K.K. Dirge.

After that, I remembered Cesar was moving out today (Isabelle told me in the startup screen this morning). So I gave him a last farewell. Wonder who the new boy will be...

Finally, I headed home to check out K.K. Space. I had an embarrassingly bad time trying to find my speaker on the wall. Then I couldn't figure out if it was possible to play music with it, so I got out my cicada speaker from the last Bug-Off tournament I participated in and played it. Also, I found out if you play the instruments with the music they will harmonize with it! So cool! I had a good time with that. AFter that, I shut off for the night.