Thursday, November 5, 2020: First Pitfall Seed

Two fossils were dug right in a line outside my house - how convenient! Also... one of my friends sent me the recipe for a pitfall seed! Finally, I have this staple Animal Crossing item in the newest game! Bwahaha! - Although I more used them in City Folk for my 2011 obstacle courses... and in 2013, as obstacles for playing hide and seek. :P - I also got my painting from Redd the other day.

Cookie was curiously sniffing flowers right on one of the steps on the ramp... And Saharah was hiding behind the orchard! I didn't buy anything from her.

At Able Sisters, Sable was saying how she's making warm clothing for the winter.

I sold my black bass to Phil, although I'm not quite sure what he's planning on doing with it...

Fauna was really happy to see me at her home today too! It was nice to run around, visiting everyone.

I went and donated my detailed painting to the museum. I always love learning about the art - and the Baroque instrumentation in the background!

Finally, I crafted my first pitfall seed, and took out the Joy-Con on my Switch to "invite" my dad to be my first victim... Bwahaha!