Friday, December 25, 2020: Christmas Morning

This is the first year I've blogged Christmas morning in Animal Crossing! Isabelle was happy to point out her excitement from Toy Day.

She also said the festive decorations were coming down tomorrow, so I had to rush and get one last picture! (Reminds me of when I'd have to take my festive tree down in City Folk... I didn't actually acquire that item this year, but at least Isabelle set one out in the plaza!)

Merengue and Phil were both happy to speak about Toy Day yesterday when I first spoke to them. It's a nice way to at least acknowledge Christmas Day, even if nothing else really happens and the festive fun was on the 24th!

After that, I threaded this snowball successfully for the first time through this path between the trees and the marketplace, and built a perfect Snowboy for an ice table. I've actually been unsuccessful the past couple days, so it was nice to get one perfect on Christmas Day!

Fauna wanted to give me a new nickname, which I accepted. Maybe it was mainly because she reminds me of Polly Reindeer from Stampy's Lovely World... I've noted that ever since New Leaf! She is a perfect winter villager to have!

And Sylvana too remarked on my busy day yesterday. I wonder if she put up her present! I'll have to see next time I'm in her house - and for all my villagers, for that matter.

Finally, I saw Phil and Merengue together snapping photos by the Christmas tree, doing exactly what Isabelle said in the announcement. I wonder if they're dating, too... Lots of island gossip! Oh, and I suppose I did order K.K. Dixie last night, so that's my Animal Crossing Christmas gift...

I liked this shot lookiing over the ocean on this snowy morning, reminding me of road trips playing Mario Kart DS's "DK Pass" for some reason... Also today's episode Stampy did for his Christmas special. Anyways - merry Christmas everyone! Excited to play another new 2020 Nintendo Switch game later on today probably. :P