Saturday, April 11, 2020: First Fishing Tourney

I played a bit before 9am to do some of my daily things. K.K. sent me Surfin' K.K., which I heard with my dad and sister last night when we sat down for a tune.

I also put down my Bunny Day carpet in the front of my house - it adds a nice splash of color. I didn't realize my house was so full of dark aesthetics!

My villagers were all getting hyped for the tourney to begin. I knew they had changed the tourney in this game, so I was curious to see what it was.

At 9am, the announcement was made for the Fishing Tourney to commence! Good ol' C.J. was there, ready to help out. (This probably goes without saying, but this is my first Fishing Tourney in this game - I have had my good share of Fishing Tourneys in all the past games of course!)

So: Unlike the past games where you had to catch the biggest fish, in this game, it's about the amount of fish you catch. C.J. puts 3 minutes on the clock and you have to catch as many fish as you can in that time. Luckily, you can continue to do this multiple times throughout the day up until 6pm. You earn points, which you can use to get items - and you can sell all your fish to C.J. as well. In some ways, this really fits the "pick-up-and-play" style of other games by Nintendo on the Switch. I think this is how they make the actual Fishing Tourney day matter; you can't cheat anymore and use fish you caught previously. From watching Sqaishey's 3-hour Animal Crossing livestream after, I learned the best method is to use bait to catch 6 or 7 fish in one go, but I only tried a couple times this morning. My family was comparing their high scores throughout the afternoon though, as well as in Sqaishey's chat. :)

Sadly, for every time after the first, there's a small entry fee... But, I pooled my points to get myself a fish backpack. For today, I think that's about all the fishing I'll do, but I like the concept and community feel of the event, both inside and outside of the game! Maybe I'll do more for the next event - I guess they're seasonal now instead of monthly, similarly to the GameCube version I guess - I honestly don't mind that! In the future if I have time to commit an entire day to fishing, it could be a fun event to get totally addicted to for a day, and then wait around till the next one.