Thursday, February 4, 2021: Dress Up As Sushi

I did play yesterday too but didn't post anything, but I did order this fiery megaphone, one of the items related to the Super Bowl. Sadly, unlike the megaphones in New Leaf, I can't insult my villagers by shouting into the 3DS' mic. :P

At the Able Sister's, I learned I had the ability to dress up as sushi. Alrighty then, that's certainly a thing! I didn't buy that, but I did pick up a White Mage hat for if I try to recreate a Final Fantasy game in the Switch version of Animal Crossing later this year.

Finally, I picked up a Festivale balloon lamp, which was quite tall! Here's a look at how my little plaza area is coming along. Oh - it was also fun to sell all my fossils for 20k exactly!

I turned the game on later this evening, and Sherb wanted to play a treasure hunt mini-game. I had to find the treasure he hid - not sure why he picked my yard, but that's where it was!

The treasure was a cycling cap! Brilliant. I also shot down a balloon present for another outfit as treasure.

I helped Gullivarr (who clearly hasn't heard of the 6-feet apart rule) find his communicator, and sold enough things (lots of random fruit in my storage for some reason!) to get my bank account over 1 million Bells. I can now start saving since my debt has been fully paid off.