Friday, September 13, 2013: Friday the Thirteenth

Post date: Sep 14, 2013 2:24:37 AM

Just a quick note. Kind of like what happened with my City Folk blog later on, I probably won't be uploading every day, it'll be every few days or so, and of course on holidays I'll be participating in as well. The reason for this is because I am not really "in to" the game, not because I don't like it, but because amidst everything else I'm working on (for example, homework, currently I'm working on a symphony, practicing violin and piano, schoolwork, etc.) and the point in life that I'm currently in, I just don't really have the time to spend playing every single day. I will still try to post as much as possible, but unlike other Animal Crossing bloggers out there, it won't happen every day. Just wanted to explain this, so sorry! Anyways, here's today's post! :)

Superstitiously, it's an unlucky day, but in Animal Crossing: New Leaf it was anything but. I found Saharah walking around, so I decided to see what would happen with her combo.


Anyways, having not played in a few days, I had several weeds to pick, flowers to water, et cetera. Shrunk said the punch line in his joke first, but I've heard that joke so often it wasn't funny. I'm guessing Nintendo was desiring that...

Oh, yeah. My perfect cherry tree died. I guess that was unlucky...

So yeah! Not much happened today. Again, I haven't really gotten into this game lately, so the posts may be a little bland... I'll do my best to make them as interesting as I can, so they'll be enjoyable to read.