Saturday, September 5, 2020: Salmon Saturday

Last night, when I just thought I'd do some fishing, I randomly caught my first arapaima!

It was raining when I logged in today. I got my album of K.K. Parade, a track I have fond memories with in the GameCube and Wii games. It's now playing in the jukebox outside my house. I update that track from time to time: of course it was K.K. Bubblegum at one point, and K.K. Disco and K.K. D & B. I'm sure you'll know what it'll be in a few months for Christmastime if you've read my previous blogs!

Anyways, speaking of K.K., here he was, singing in the rain. At least he had a little company, but that can't be good for his acoustic guitar!

Lyman tried to sell me on the idea that his umbrella was weighted so he could do some training. And Merengue said rainy days are good to practice kung fu.

I went and met Phil, who moved here from my roommate's island to replace Boris. He'll be an interesting face to see walking around.

Sable was saying how the temperature varies throughout the day in this season.

When I played again later after noon, it was raining even harder!

My sister asked me to log into her profile to catch the salmon and king salmon, two fish that are only available this month while she doesn't have access to the game. So I caught three salmon with my character, because... well, why not?

I also got this knight's helmet from a message in a bottle. I remember enjoying wearing this in Wild World, but it looks very different in this game. Much darker.