Friday, March 19, 2021: Nintendo Switch Collector

I know, I keep posting when I'm hinting I probably won't! Can't help it - I'm getting back into this blog! Anyways, my Nintendo Switch Lite came in the mail today, so I set it up in my corner for my little Switch collection. I have seen quite a few videos of people having lots of Nintendo Switches in real-life, so it's fun to parallel that in my virtual Animal Crossing life! Maybe whenever I'm playing other Swiitch games or SNES Online, I can imagine it's my Animal Crossing character playing them, like the NES games available in the GameCube game! I have enjoyed returning to Excitebike and Balloon Fight on the NES Online games.

Oh yeah - my chest clips through the table when I open it - good to know it's still functional at any rate!

Bam was excited about the flower sign I used to have in the marketplace garden.

Clay was excited I finally spoke to him! I think he's known about my business working on my obstacle course these past couple weeks.

Diana was reading in the middle of the flowers, but was happy about the park clock because of some plans she had. Maybe dinner with a boyfriend? I remember in the GameCube game the snooty villagers always speaking about romantic picnics.

It was also Merengue's birthday today! I decided to get here an orange end table - I dunno, I felt a fruity thing would fit her personality.

Get hyped for tomorrow - it should be super fun! Been enjoying reading a few articles online about all the events that have occurred around this game over the past year - it has really been a wild ride! I feel like this game has meant so much more to me than even City Folk in my childhood, so maybe I'll do a couple reviews to consolidate all my thoughts on it. We'll see!