Saturday, April 25, 2020: A Sketchy Boat

Hey, I'm back! I haven't been able to play my Switch in a while, so there's been a lot of updates and things I haven't personally been able to experience. Nintendo released version 1.2.0 of the game recently, adding garden items and other things; they also recently updated Super Mario Maker 2 with a World Map builder, which is how I may start spending more of my time, creating my own Mario game for my dad and sister to play... So if there are slightly less blog posts in the next few weeks, that's why. Once I'm finished creating this Mario game (which will take some time), my next Switch project can be decorating my house in Animal Crossing, and get back into this game!

Anyways, I thought I'd do a quick post today to show off the expanded Nook's Cranny! I believe that was due to the update, too.

And here's the sketchy boat in the shore. I haven't met Jolly Redd yet (though my mom has, so we may get our expanded museum soon!) - as he's now referred to instead of Crazy Redd, but he's just as sketchy as ever!

Like most of my hobbies, I tend to go through obsessive phases - I've been like this all my life. I will continue to play this game at least a little bit every day, but I may not blog every day anymore like at the start; it will fluctuate, but at some point especially when I'm finished with Mario maybe I'll get back into blogging this game again. I hope you understand; there's plenty of content on this game on YouTube and other blogs too!