Saturday, May 30, 2020: Virtual Comic-Con

We were all playing as a family for a while this morning after a fun party night last night - you can see some of the substantial changes in a town tour we did. Once we get further along with it this summer, I'll do a blog post dedicated to showing off places of interest around the island.

For example, here's Lyman eating lunch at our little café beside the museum (and just south of my house, as it happens). It reminds me of the café at the Louve when I went to Paris in real-life.

I honestly don't have that much more exciting news to share right now. However, the other day, I got some star fragments I needed to finally craft the Bunny Day wand, so I took a little time to create outfits for myself. I used some codes from the Able Sisters' Internet kiosk to download cosplay outfits for Mario, Link, and Harry Potter! I need to get better pants and boots for probably both Mario and Link, but here they are for now. I'll keep checking the shops and swap things out as necessary. This reminds me of a virtual Comic-Con!