Friday, February 26, 2021: Inviting an Old Pal

When I started up the game this afternoon, Isabelle was telling me about young spring bamboo. I guess spring is in the air!

My mailbox was topped at 300 letters, so I had to start deleting. I didn't spend too long, but it is quite a chore deleting letters from your mailbox.

Diana was being quite rude to me when I saw her at the store! I guess I never spoke to her on Wednesday.

I got an interesting recipe at the beach today, for a fossil doorplate! I don't recall having an item that required fossils (that haven't been discovered by Blathers) to craft it before.

When I noticed the empty plot where Phil used to be, I set on a mission to do some villager hunting! May as well.

I spent about half an hour or so starting my quest. I had a loose goal to locate someone who I have had in the previous games. Victoria the horse would have fit the bill perfectly, and in retrospect maybe I should have just invited her - she was in both my City Folk and New Leaf towns I believe, as well as Wild World. However, I decided to keep looking - I remembered Keaton and Rolf from JVGS Jeff's island Forest, and Gladys was a villager I recognized as well.

Roscoe, another potential candidate (from Wild World), had an interesting island: the money rock island! I know the game's almost a year old, but I haven't done enough mystery islands to recognize all the different types. It was like a little puzzle to get on - eat some fruit to block the rock in the way, and then pole vault across to grab your reward. It's like a mini Zelda challenge or something, just embedded in the mystery tours part of the game!

I considered Rory for a hot minute, but realized I really would want Leopold, who is apparently in the game; he was my neighbor in Liontown in the GameCube version of the game. Who I did settle on after a Final Fantasy IX break on my friend's Switch was Cesar! He's been a buddy in my City Folk and New Leaf towns, and I believe I've mentioned him in these blog entries. I think he will be the start to a fun time trying to recruit some "classic" Animal Crossing villagers to move to the island who I've gotten to know from previous games in the series - especially from this blog! I'll have to do some reading and put together a list. :P

I spotted another ornament behind that cliff - things keep getting randomly discovered there that I'm sure have been lying there for weeks! I've also noticed some more bugs and butterflies coming out at night - as the weather warms up, the nature will become more lively! Exciting!

I ran into Gulliver on the beach, and as I was walking counter-clockwise around the beaches looking for his parts, I ran into Diana, who wanted me to give Cookie a present to make up for a fight they had. And Merengue was just enjoying a relaxing nighttime walk (even if I didn't get any pictures of her dialogue - I did make a short video clip for my Moments video I'm going to work on after writing this!).

After finding all five communicator parts literally in a row on the north-eastern part of the map, I headed over to Cookie's place to drop off the gift.

And finally, with the second useless recipe card I got from another note in a bottle, I installed my trash can temporarily indoors to throw it out. Much quicker than selling it at the shop or letting them accumulate in my inventory! This trash can will be handy to have. I also noticed from Festivale, I did get different color variations of some of the items without customizing them myself, so that's nice to know for the holiday!

We're probably taking a Final Fantasy break on Sunday to play Animal Crossing instead, so hopefully I'll have a fun multiplayer entry then! It's a great game when we want to take a break from the epic story of FFIX - which is an incredible game in its own right as well! I'll also have a new Moments video up for ACNH to enjoy by then as well. Enjoy, and never stop Crossing!