Tuesday, December 8, 2020: Cookie and the Koi Pond

Label was here, with the theme of someone on stage in a theater.

Sydney was talking about giving chocolate pie to Resident Services - hey! I'm the one doing all the roadwork around here, where's my chocolate pie?! On the bright side, Merengue did give me a new recipe.

I bought a couple puppy plushies at the shop today to eventually add to my toy room. It's getting a bit cluttered in there!

Over by our "I" pond, I saw Cookie fishing for a bit, then go water a single flower on her way to fishing in a new location, all in the span of ten seconds or so (not counting me interrupting her). What a dog. It turns out it was a koi pond today, too!

I saw Diana looking distressed, and she wanted me to send a gift to Merengue to make up for a fight they had. Merengue didn't really seem to care to much about that fight, going as far as to say Diana was her etiquette model. I wonder what they were fighting about then, and Merengue should see sense into her actions!

I totally didn't just now remember to let Diana know I completed the deed, take some screenshots for the blog, and delete them immediately afterwards... But Diana was happy I extended the olive branch, so to speak (her words!), and I got some Nook Miles for helping out the residents on the island.