Saturday, October 31, 2020: Halloween

Happy Halloween! Isabelle was happy to let me know about tonight's festivities.

I'm putting together a video of behind the scenes for setting up my island on Halloween, which I'll share - but I didi want to mention here my ZL Button hat. I'm using that like Super Mario Maker 2's "Z" language for Mario to do a spin-jump. Here, you have your character get out their phone so they can find hidden items behind objects - basically Bells I hid around the island! You can also see the Big Boo ghost I copied from Super Mario World's sprite.

Related to this blog, this reminds me of the day of the Harvest Festival in 2011, playing City Folk, where I made a Nintendogs and Super Mario Kart design before the festival.

I was playing earlier in the day to continue setting up my party, so I'll just skip straight to the festival!

I found Jack right away. He taught me one of the new Reactions Nintendo revealed in that trailer. I dressed up as my wizard as you can see!

New Horizons' version of Halloween plays out a lot like New Leaf's, and the past games, too. Jack wants you to bring him candy, as well as lollipops, as New Leaf had introduced. You can trade candy for various furniture items, DIY recipes, and occasionally lollipops! If you don't trade them, they trick you, in this game with face paint! Hey, it fit the bill for tonight!

Merengue taught me the scare reaction, and I was able to get some things from of my other villagers when I traded candy.

Phil gave me my first lollipop of the night! I went and traded that with Jack, and he gave me a giant carriage! I was also getting Jack's outfit, which would come in handy... He even says "Happy Halloween!" just like he did in New Leaf!

Once I acquired Jack's full costume, I was able to dress up like him and scare the villagers to give me candy! It's the coolest role-reversal from the past games, where the villagers would dress up in Jack's costume to trick the player into getting candy!

In the plaza, Sylvana, Merengue, and Cookie were playing a little game where they'd use the haunt and scare emotes at each other. It was pretty cute! Perhaps it was Nintendo's way to remind us of these emotes, since it's been a while since that September trailer.

Later on tonight, I invited a few friends over (I considered sending them invitations in the game, but opted to just do it on Google email) for my Halloween party I've been teasing. Here are a few pictures from our time - we did some of my mini-games, and also did more of the event with my villagers. In the bottom-right picture, my friend on the left dressed up as Voldemort! I remember referencing Harry Potter in my City Folk blog, as 2011 was when the final film came out.

Finally, when they left, I checked out some of my spooky items in my house I got tonight. I have a lot of recipes and things I don't really know what to do with now, unless I want to have Halloween things year-round... We'll see! I know I have a lot of cleaning up to do...

But yeah, honestly, this version of Halloween was a blast! I felt like there was a neat multiplayer aspect in trading items. And while there weren't specific masks like in New Leaf, there were still plenty of costumes the game recognized for you to have the villagers give you candy. And hearing the Halloween music remixed again for live instruments was really great, especially as I just did a remix myself this afternoon on my fiddle!

You can hear it in this behind the scenes video -

And here is the livestream (gameplay only, just like my 2011 ACCF vids!) with the party (Kaitlyn's view) -

Happy Halloween! Have a great night!