ice princess
Tutorial done in PSPX2.
Must having some working knowledge of the program.
Snow Princess FTU kit by Cinnamon Scraps.
Tube by Elias Chatzoudis, purchase HERE.
Mask53 by weescotlass, HERE.
Template by me, download HERE.
Krystal and Charlemagne Std
once youre all set to go, open up the template and delete my copyright layer.
next is to add a new raster layer above the background layer.
flood fill it with this color: #385161
apply the mask at default settings.
right click on the mask layer to merge the mask group.
on the square layer, select all/float/defloat.
add a new raster layer above the square.
open paper7 from the kit and copy.
paste into selection on the new raster layer.
select none and hide the square template layer.
repeat the previous steps with the circle layer and paper8.
now duplicate the paper8 circle.
set the duplicate blend mode to multiply.
merge down.
duplicate it again and set blend mode to multiply.
merge down.
now you should have a dark blue paper.
next, open frame7 from the kit and resize by 80%.
copy and paste (C/P) as a new layer above the dark blue paper circle.
leave it centered.
use your magic wand to click (only) inside the frame and expand by 5.
add a new raster layer above below the frame.
open paper10 from the kit and copy.
paste into selection on the new raster layer.
do not select none.
now open the foldedpaper and resize by 55%.
C/P as a new layer above paper10 circle.
invert your selection and hit delete on the folded paper.
do not select none yet.
open the tube and resize by 70%.
C/P as a new layer above the folded paper.
hit delete on the tube layer.
now select none.
now that all the basics are done, add any elements, text and tubes.
don't forget to add artist credit and license info.
when you're all done, copy special > copy merged.
paste as a new image and use your magic wand tool to select outside the tag.
invert selection and crop to selection.
that will get rid of any extra space that you don't need.
thanks for trying my tutorial! =)