
5 lbs. Chuck Roast

3 dried Ancho Chiles

2 Chipotle Chiles in Adobo

2 Tomatoes

6-7 Cloves of Garlic

1 Onion

2 Tsp. Salt

1 Tsp. Freshly Ground Black Pepper

1 Tsp. Oregano

1 Tsp. Cumin

1/2 Cup Cilantro

2 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

Serve on top of: corn tortillas and top with cilantro and diced onion.


Remove the stem and seeds from the dried chilies. Put into a pot along with the tomatoes cover with water and bring to a boil.

Once the chilies are tender, Put them in a blender along with the chipotle chilies in adobo, tomatoes, about half a cup of the water used to boil the chilies, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, oregano, cumin, cilantro, and apple cider vinegar; blend until smooth.

Marinate your chuck roast in the Chile paste, cover and refrigerate for a minimum of 12 hours.

Remove your chuck roast from the refrigerator and start firing up your grill setting up a hot and cold zone.

Put your chuck roast in a aluminum foil roasting pan (marinade and all) throw in an additional cup of water and place in the cool zone of your grill. Cover the entire thing in aluminum foil and grill for 3-4 hours. Uncover and grill for an additional 1-2 hours or until your chuck roast is tender enough to pull apart with two forks.

Shred your roast and heat up your tortillas on the hot side of the grill. Serve and Enjoy.

*Note: This can also be made in a slow cooker!!