Address: Route 3

City: Hooksett, NH

Opening date: March 1972

Website:  www.rkcenters.com/rk-center-hooksett

This plaza is located right in front of the Rockingham Mall. For years, Bradlees and K-mart were face to face across Route 28 in this commercial area of Salem. The plaza opened March 9, 1972. There’ was a Toys ‘r’ us right behind the Kmart plaza in a less visible area.

Bonanza Steakhouse was located in the front left corner of the property until it was replaced by Ninety-Nine. Staples opened at the plaza in 1992. Until recently, Staples had another location down the road at the Stateline Plaza. The Kmart auto center closed and the store is re-using the space. This Kmart location is one of only three remaining in NH as of 2018.

In November 2019, Transformco announced the closing of 45 Kmart and 51 Sears stores including the Salem Kmart location. The store will close in February 2020. This will leave only one remaining Kmart in NH.

 Actual tenants



Pure Hockey



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