Contact us

This website is a never-ending non-profit project to gather information on the many stores that have closed years ago. If you want to send in comments or contribute by sending in information and pictures about these stores and shopping centers, just click the following link: Contact Us


This website is intended for informational purposes only. This website is not affiliated with any realtor, retail operation, and/or development company. This site is strictly my own personal non-profit website about retail and shopping centers in New England and beyond. It is a hobby I thoroughly enjoy. For up to date and accurate official information about retailers in business, see their websites.  Any logos or icons on this page belong to their respective owners.

Zayre88 always seeks to achieve factual accuracy in any information presented, and thus welcomes comments and feedback sent by email. In addition, if you have any information or news you’d wish to share, we’d love to hear about it. This website is mainly a hobby, and as such we do not have time for full-time research. In many cases, because of the lack of information available on some of these topics –which is the primary goal in the creation of this site– speculative information is included. We do not intentionally include false or misleading statements, and welcome corrections whenever appropriate.

Third Party Websites 

Our website includes links to third party websites, and we cannot guarantee, approve, or endorse the quality of any products, services, or opinions offered there. In addition, we do not have any control over the quality of content, or reliability or accuracy of information contained on third party websites. Visitors to our website assume complete responsibility and risk in using any external sites.

Use of Corporate Logos and Copyrighted Imagery

Unless otherwise noted, the copyright of all materials on our website, including photos and words, remains the property of the site administrators. If you would like to republish any photos or direct quotations from the website, we appreciate an email to request the use of the materials and to detail how they would be used. As this website was created with the intent to share information, your request will likely be granted provided that the materials in question are original content produced by our website. 

On occasion, illustration of our research calls for the display of the logo of a corporation or other organization that is protected by copyright or trademark. It is believed that the use of low-resolution images of logos to illustrate the corporation or organization in question, by the non-profit entity Zayre88, qualifies as fair use under United States Copyright Law. Trademarks, service marks, and a limited number of images depicted within this site have been used to illustrate historical perspectives and remain the property of their respective owners. Any other uses of this image may be copyright infringement. If you are the copyright owner of these images and object to their use, email us and we will discontinue their use.

Some images were taken from the Internet and are assumed to be in the public domain. In the event that there is still a problem or error with copyrighted material, the break of the copyright is unintentional and noncommercial and the material will be removed immediately upon proof.

To store and Mall Owners and Management 

We love retail stores and shopping centers. We’ve been fascinated by them since we were children and hate to see them die. This website was created to try and save bits and pieces from stores, malls, and shopping plazas before they disappear or change. We have no interest in intentionally doing anything that will directly impact your business negatively. 

In most cases, taking pictures inside a shopping mall is prohibited. We feel that the creation of a public space –where it is expected that the public will develop an emotional attachment to an environment and a community is established– means that it is important for others to preserve a memory of this space. One of the main reasons we created this website is because hundreds of malls throughout this country have disappeared, and there is little documentation of these public communal spaces. Both the taking and publishing of these photos is legal and protected by the First Amendment. We will always make efforts to be as courteous as possible when taking pictures of your malls and stores, avoiding photography of merchandise or taking identifiable photos of patrons.

In addition, there are times when we speak about your shopping center or mall in a way you may deem “negative.” If there are factual inaccuracies, then please bring them to our attention, but we will not remove verbiage or photographs from the website simply because they paint your retail entity in a negative light. We are retail bloggers; it’s not our job to write your press releases. Similarly, we welcome official information and news, and if you have an event or press release about expansion plans, future development, or redevelopment, then please feel free to contact us and we may choose to cover it. In addition, if you would like to discuss a particular retail property with us, feel free to send us an email to discuss a possible consultation.   We welcome a dialogue with you. While we may be seen as outsiders, our intention is to help, rather than harm, your business.