Cardamon Infused Rhubarb Pistachio Frangipane Tart

What's For Lunch Honey? | Experience Your Senses

By Meeta K. Wolff

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 35 minutes

Serves: 8


  • For the pastry crust

  • 200g plain flour

  • 20g icing sugar

  • 100g cold unsalted butter

  • 1 large egg yolk

  • A couple of tablespoons of ice cold water

  • For the frangipane

  • 100g unsalted pistachios

  • 115g unsalted butter, softened

  • 1/3 cup / 112g raw honey

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/3 cup / 80ml heavy cream

  • For the rhubarb

  • 50g sugar

  • 6 stalks of fresh rhubarb cut into 3 inch long pieces

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom


  1. To make the pastry crust tip the flour, icing sugar and a pinch of salt into a mixing bowl, dice the butter into cubes and rub it in using your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and 1-2 tablespoons of cold water and knead the dough together with your hands until combined. Try not to overwork the dough; stop as soon as it comes together in a ball. Wrap, then chill the dough for 20 minutes.

  2. Once the dough has rested, roll it out until it is approx. 3 mm thick. butter a a tart pan. For a round one use 23cm-diameter for a square tart form approx. 21 x 21cm. Carefully transfer the crust to the tin, pushing it into the corners, and patching up any cracks or tears. Trim any overhang. Leave the pastry to chill for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190°C, fan 170°C.

  3. Blind bake the crust: Scrunch up a sheet of baking paper into a ball, then lay it over the crust. Fill this with baking beans, making sure that you press them into the corners. Transfer the tart form to the oven and bake for 20 minutes, then remove the baking beans and paper, then cook for another 5 minutes until golden.

  4. While the tart crust is baking make the rhubarb. In a large skillet, combine the water, sugar and cardamom and bring to a boil. Add the rhubarb stalks, reduce the heat to a very low boil and poach the rhubarb for about 3-4 minutes, until just soft. Make sure not to move the rhubarb around too much as it may fall apart. Remove with a slotted spoon and let cool on pieces of paper towels.

  5. Make the pistachio frangipane: In a food processor, process the pistachios until finely ground - do not over process. Add the butter and raw honey and process until well blended. Pour the frangipane mixture into a bowl and with a whisk, mix in the eggs and heavy cream. The idea is not to incorporate to much air into the mixture to avoid cracking when the mixture rises during the baking period.

  6. Assemble the tart by spooning the frangipane mixture into the tart shell, arrange the rhubarb pieces over the frangipane. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until it starts to get golden brown. Serve warm or cold with dollops of crème fraîche and more honey drizlled on top.