The Lisbon Treaty and private Mercenary- Armies

Why does al-Qaida support the Lisbon Treaty ?

human rights activists condemn interference of

former soldier firm

(press declaration of the 27.09.2009)

On the occasion of the eigth anniversary of the assassinations of the 11.09.2001, the former safety firm al-Qaida has, in the form of a certain Aiman al-Sawahiri, threatened Germany in case, that the Germans do not use the elections to the Bundestag for a change (Umkehr). At the weekend before the 21.09.2009, Bekkay Harrach, who also is regarded as belonging to the management level of al-Qaida, put this more precise, that, if Germany did not withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, a rude awakening after the national elections would be imminent (1).

Now, at the first glance, it looks as if al-Qaida interfered into the German election campaign for the Bundestag, in order to do an illegal kind of advertisement for parties or politicians, who demand the withdrawal of the German soldiers. This seems, however, psychologically regarded, absurd, because such threatening videos rather increase the willingness of the population to make sacrifices for military interventions in the name of the fight against the terror.

At the 25.09.2009, eventually, an audio message of a certain Osama Bin Laden has been published, who is regarded as the boss of al-Qaida. In that message, he threatens even the whole of Europe, if the Europeans did not withdraw from Afghanistan (2).

For the investigation of the suspected motive, the time of the publishing seems to be even much more relevant than the content of the criminal and strange threatening messages. According to the point of view of German human rights activists, it looks like the mercenary network al-Qaida wants to attract the public attention, in order to disattract the attention from something else, which is happening at the same time, namely the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.Therefore, it is important to know, that al-Qaida is former Saudi Arabian security firm, which has, in the 1980ies, supported the integration of mercenaries into the local Mujahedins at Afghanistan (3).

For the insurgence in the 1980ies at Afghanistan, at least 13.770 private soldiers have been deployed. They been rather criminals, which have been disliked in their home countries, than islamamists (4).

al-Qaida has, at that time, operated in that milieu as an ally at least of the American and of the Pakistani secret services (3).

Already during the Afghanistan war in the 1980ies, a part of the mercenaries have gone into the drug business. As a result, the number of drug addicted persons at Pakistan has risen from 5.000 (1980) to 70.000 (1983) and finally to about 1.3 millions (1986) 5. These enormous numbers raise the question, if the al-Qaida network itself is, besides in the mercenary business, also involved in the drug business. The former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has explained to the US Congress, that al-Qaida is at 95% financed by drug money (6).

This thesis is supported by the fact, that al-Qaida has trained and supported the UCK at the Kosovo 6, which is of immense importance for the distribution of drugs in Europe, which have been cultivated at Afghanistan (3).

al-Qaida is a mercenary company, which has slipped into the organized crime. The islamist facade has, primarily, two functions. Firstly, they can recruit suicide assassins for less money this way, then if they had to motivate them with money alone. Secondly, this camouflage helps them, to veil the identities of changing clients. Security firms are fighting for nothing else than for economical profit. And, by far, not every of them adheres to law and order. Money determines for whom or against whom they fight. This is shown very clearly by the assassinations of the 11.09.2001, which give the impression, that possibly someone else has been able to pay better than the US government at that time. This seems not to have hindered the same firm al-Qaida, to stay working at the Kosovo (3).

Already in 1994, al-Qaida has been active at Albania and at the in the region, which is the main distribution centre for the selling of Afghan heroin to Europe a route with a market value of 400 billion $ per year 3. A military commander of Bin Laden has fought in the Kosovo conflict on the side of the UCK, which is deeply involved into the drug traffic 3, 6. According to a statement of John Kasich, a member of the US House of Representatives, from the 05.10.1999, Osama Bin Laden has also appeared, when the USA have built up their relations to the UCK in 1998 and 1999 (3). Mercenary firms, western ones as well as islamistically camouflaged ones, have been under contract

in the Bosnia war, in the Kosovo war, and even in 2001 in the attack of parts

of the UCK against Macedonia (3).

At the 10.09.2001, the then US minister of defence, Donald Rumsfeld, has, in a speech of principles, tried to get support for partial functional privatization (transformation)of the US troops 8. The crime of the 11.09.2001 has led to such a fear and confusion at the USA, that there has taken place no sufficient debate with regard to his speech of principles of the 10.09.2001, before in the time following the US army has been reduced by 15%, and before even so sensitive tasks like fighting services and interrogations have been commissioned to private companies (9). Completely in the interest of al-Qaida, because this has made the market for mercenary

firms in the USA and, according to their example, much further, increase dramatically. According to the US example, Great Britain has even privatized the guarding of embassies and eben a part of its fighting services at Afghanistan (10).

If now an assassination by al-Qaida or by whomsoever took place at Europe, the demand in Europe also for private security services would be immensely increased. Just in the interest of the mercenary sector.

The Treaty of Lisbon (11) would be the next step for the growth of the market for soldier firms of any couleur. So there is a motive for mercenary firms like al-Qaida, and for their suspected clients, to coveredly support the Lisbon Treaty. Because this treaty would basically oblige the member states to commission private companies with their non-sovereign tasks (services of general economical interest, art. 14 TFEU) and with their sovereign tasks (non-economical services of general interest, art. 2 of protocol no. 26 to the Treaty of Lisbon on services of general interest). At the first glance, it looks, as if the Lisbon Treaty would at least omit inner and outer security and the most fundamental structures of the state from the commissioning (art. 4 TEU). There is, however, an erosion mechanism

contained on the basis of the prohibition of economical discrimination (art. 18 TFEU), by means of which one could claim at the European Court of Justice (ECJ), that any task, which has been commissioned to private companies in at least one member state, would have to be commissioned to private firms in all EU member states (12). This way, already with the enactment of the Lisbon Treaty, an erosion mechanism would be started, that by means of law suits to the ECJ a part of the fighting services and the jails (like at Great Britain) would have to be commissioned eu-wide.

Very much in the interest of mercenary companies like al-Qaida would be the solidarity clause (art. 222 TFEU) of the Lisbon Treaty, according to which the EU member states would have to deploy military in the interior for the prevention of terrorist attacks. al-Qaida could, already by threatening, cause an obligation for military interventions in the interior. And more and more of this military would have to be commissioned, because of the erosion mechanism described above, to private security firms.

A draft resolution of the Council of Europe (doc. 11787) shows the dangers of the growth of the mercenary sector world-wide 13. It depicts the danger of the violaton of universal human rights, of the humanitarian international law, of civil law and criminal law, of increasing influence of private firms and political elites on governmental decisions with regard to foreign, safety, interior, and defence policy whilst violating democracy, and even of threatening the peaceful coexistence of the states. At 2008, the mercenary sector world-wide has already had about 1 million employed people in over 1.000 firms with a turnover of more than 200 billion $.

The time of the threats by al-Qaida is of special importance. At the 17.09.2009 and at the 18.09. 2009, four new constitutional complaints against the laws accompanying the “Lisbon Treaty”, have been filed at the German Constitutional Court. Three of them (file number 2 BvR 2167/09) have had mainly the goal, to prevent the change of the type of state to the functionally privatized state mentioned above 14. At the 22. 09.2009, the four constitutional complaints have not been admitted for decision by the Constitutional Court. At the 25.09.2009, the German President has ratified the Lisbon Treaty.

The atrocious threats of al-Qaida against Germany have had the effect, that significant parts of the German population and of the German media have been disattracted from the constitutional complaints, which are so uncomfortable for the mercenary sector.

The threat of the 25.09.2009 against Europe, however, seems to refer more to the Irish referendum, with the suspected motive to abuse, of all things, the need of the Irish people to more safety, in order to put through mercenary interests, which are threatening their safety.

The following questions need to be investigated urgently:

-Who are today the clients of al-Qaida? Commissioned by whom are these criminals working today?

-From which sources does the privateIntel-Center (15) , which is run by former US secret agents, have their findings on al-Qaida?

-Which further mercenary firms, besides al-Qaida, are involved in the drug trade?

foot notes:

The sources referred to in the footnotes only serves the explanation of this press declaration. One cannot conclude from this, that the authors of those texts would share the conclusions of this press declaration or vice-versa.

(1)-on al-Sawahiri taz article of the 24.09.2009 Terrorvideo zum Jahrestag des 11. September Al Qaida droht Deutschen und Obama

-on Bekkay Harrach taz article of the 21.09.2009 Al-Qaida gegen Deutschland neues Terrorvideo aufgetaucht and taz article of the 22.09.2009 Ein gefährlicher

Mann ( )

(2) -on Osama Bin Laden taz article of the 26./27.09.2009 Al-Qaida-Botschaft II Bin Laden droht Europäern

(3) Der inszenierte Terrorismus die CIA und Al Quaida” (von Michel Chossudovsky)

(4) (Dr. Andreas von Bülow, Im Namen des Staates , Piper publishing house, p. 418).

(5) (Dr. Andreas von Bülow, Im Namen des Staates, , Piper publishing house, p. 210-211)

(6) Das weltweite Drogennetzwerk der CIA (von Peter Dale Scott)

(7) documenary of arte Kolumbien - Privatarmeen des Staates


(9) The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Naomi Klein, Metropolitan Books (New York) and Knopf Canada (Toronto) )

(10) Die Privatisierung des Krieges Armee der Söldner

(11) readable version of the Lisbon Treaty

(12) on the erosion mechanism, which is postulated already today by the EU Commission from sovereign to non-sovereign, see message of the 20.11.2007 (file number KOM (2007) 725)



(15) Die Medien und ihre Fährtenleser des Terrors (Ekkehard Sieker)

V.i.S.d.P. (authors of this press declaration):

Volker Reusing + Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing

Thorner Str. 7, 42283 Wuppertal (Germany)

human rights activists according to UN resolution 53/144