Published on Saturday 21 Oct 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T4W7

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Let's hang in there. We are near the end of the school year, and it will not be unusual to feel anxious about many things we need to complete. But do take some time to pause and centre yourself again, and if you need help, do reach out to others for help.

I'm happy to share with you that the staff room progress is finally back on track, and if all goes well, we should be able to move in by week 10. We are also starting the OCA process, and I'm glad there are so many deserving nominations. But this means that you would need to spend some time to read through the nominations and put in your votes.  

In case we feel overwhelmed and about to lose our balance, I thought I'd share a quote of the week:

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 

~ Albert Einstein

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

P6 VIA: Nursing Home Visit

By:  CCE VIA  

Relevant Levels:   Primary 6

Date and Time of Event:  

23 Oct (Swim Safer Boys)

3 Nov (Non Swim-Safer Boys)

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Please take note that the Primary 6 pupils will be going for their P6 Post PSLE VIA programme on the above dates. 

They will be visiting NTUC Nursing Home (Chai Chee and Geylang East). Subject teachers taking P6 pupils on 23 Oct, please dismiss the boys (only swim-safer boys) to the foyer at 8.45am to assemble. You may refer to the attached for the names of the boys involved. They will be back in school before 11.30am for their recess.      

Timetable will run as per usual for the rest of the Primary 6 pupils. 

Thank you!

OCA 2023 Voting Exercise

By:  Chor Kheng  

Relevant Levels:   

Date and Time of Event:  by Wednesday 25 October

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Dear colleagues,


For a more open and transparent process of selecting the winners for the OCA awards, we would like to do it through staff voting.


Attached documents are the collated write-ups submitted by the nominators for the nominated individual staff and teams. Do have a read before deciding whom you would like to vote for. You may also access the link below for the write-ups:

Please select 1 staff for the Individual Award and 2 teams for the Team Award via the Google link below: 

The last day for voting is Tuesday, 25 October 2023.


Thank you.


OCA Voting Exercise 2023.xlsx

P6 Learning Journey to Gardens by the Bay

By: P6 Level

Relevant Levels:   

Date and Time of Event:  26 October 2023, 8.a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Information Details: 


Dear Colleagues,


The P6 level will be going on a learning journey, a Race to Sustainability! 2023 organised by Gardens by the Bay on Thursday, 26 October. Please note that the students will assemble in the hall for morning assembly and there are no Ethics and Catechism classes for P6s on that day.


They will be back in school by 12.30 p.m. and will have their recess in the canteen upon arrival. Subject teachers taking the periods from 12.30 p.m. will join the classes in the canteen.



Thank you!



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.