Staff Bulletin for 2021T4W10

published on Sunday 14 November 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We have finally come to the final week of school and it will be a busy week winding down. We just had the 2022 P1 e-Orientation and will be having the P6 Graduation on Thursday and the Thanksgiving on Friday.

We will also be cleaning down the school, and it is a great opportunity as a class bonding activity to clean down the class and tidy everything up to hand over to the next class. Do set high standards and expectations like you would of your own home. The school cleaning staff will have very much to do so every stain or ledge that you can clean the dust off would help greatly!

It is also timely for me to share that Annie, Rachel and Si Lin will be posted to MOE HQ at the end of the year, Xinchi will be posted to Teck Why Primary, and Sebastien will be posted to Pasir Ris Primary. Departures are always sad, but I want to thank them for their dedication and affirm the good work that they have done for the school.

I leave with this quote for the week:

"There is no way to happiness - Happiness is the way."

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

MT Term 4 Celebrating Little Successes

By: Mother Tongue Department

Relevant Levels: All staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 4 Week 10

Dead line to note: NA

Information Details:

The MT Department would like to share the achievements and successes of students for various events (namely, The 4th Text Recital Competition 2021, Singapore Chin Kang Huay Kuan Our Families' Stories Journal Competition2021 "My Family's Private Kitchen", MT Reading Campaign with the school and will be presenting the prizes and awards to the winners and deserving students during pre-assembly:

The 4th Text Recital Competition 2021 (Term 2, April)

Our Family's Stories Journal Competition2021 (Term 3, August)

MT Reading Campaign (Term 4)

Winners' list will be revealed at the respective prize presentations during pre-assembly on Tuesday.

School Climate Survey


Relevant Levels: NA

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 10 to 17 November 2021

Deadline to Note: 17 November 2021

Information Details:

Dear teachers, EAS and AEDs,

Please help us complete the School Climate Survey by next Wednesday, 17 November 2021.

Your feedback is valuable in helping us to review and improve our efforts for staff engagement and well-being.

Link for teachers:

Link for EAS/AED:

Writers' Fest - English

By: Charlene Siew, April Sachi, Rachel Zhou

Relevant Levels: P 1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Monday, 15 November 2021 Assembly Programme

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

The Primary 4 and Primary 5 pupils embarked on a literary programme during English this year to promote good children’s literature as well as foster a love for reading and writing. The books used are James & the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl in P4 and Holes by Louis Sachar in P5.

During Writers' Fest this year, our pupils would like to share with you what they like about the books and we had also displayed students' works tied to the literary programme at the foyer. These selected pieces are just some of the activities that were carried out during our weekly literary periods.

Since we are going to enjoy our 6 weeks’ long school holidays soon, we will be using Writers' Fest as a lead-in to encourage pupils to continue reading for entertainment and learn writing skills from their favourite authors. There will be a quiz ("Have You Read Enough") at the foyer. Pupils are encouraged to locate the books and read up to answer the quiz questions. Reading lists will also be provided to pupils through SLS to promote reading during the holidays.

Student Management Talk on Cancer Awareness

By: Yasmin Angullia, Elizabeth Lee (Discipline Comm)

Relevant Levels: P 1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 17 November 2021 - Zoom by Vendor from7.45am to 8.15am

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We will be having a talk by the Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) on Wednesday, 17 November at 7.45 a.m. The talk will take about 30 minutes for all levels. Teachers taking the first period will need to log in to the zoom link provided below. Lessons will resume as usual after the talk.

Topic: St. Stephen's School - (SCS Talk)

Time: Nov 17, 2021 07:45 AM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 8630 8698

Passcode: STSS2021

Best Regards,

Elizabeth Lee

November / December Key Dates

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: November/December

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

Dear Everyone,

i) November Staff Work Week (Week 11)

For our Staff Work Week this year, we will be having a variety of programmes, to reconnect, refresh, rediscover and rejuvenate in our teaching journey and our call to touch lives. Please see the tentative schedule below (pending PSLE Results date):

22 Nov (Mon) Workshop on Restorative Practice

23 Nov (Tues) Vantage Point: Staff Strategic Review

24 Nov (Wed) Our Stephenian Hearts: Our / My Calling to Teach

> CHANGE TO PSLE RESULTS DAY (updated 17/11)

25 & 26 Nov (Thur & Fri) PSLE Results Release Day plus Staff Lunch & Staff Retreat Day*

> CHANGE TO Our Stephenian Hearts / Retreat [& Staff Lunch?] + Appreciation (updated 17/11)


  • Timing for 22 Nov to 24 Nov will be 8:30am to 4pm, Zoom details to be further provided.

  • *Exact dates for PSLE Results Release Day (plus Staff Lunch) and Staff Retreat Day pending PSLE Results date, one on Thursday and one on Friday (half-day duration for both). However, we are also hoping if SMM could allow for the Staff Retreat segment to be held in-person in school in the afternoon after PSLE results release and Staff Lunch instead, thus it will free up 1 day for everyone to do personal admin or work reviews etc. As things and situation are still somewhat fluid, we will further confirm with you during SCT this coming Wednesday (before the department review meetings) and subsequently (if required with further changes).

  • Deployment for 2022 will also be provided during the Work Week before we break off for vacations - this will allow all to have ample time to prepare our curriculum plans, resources and environment for 2022 and plan ahead.

  • 29 Nov - 3 Dec (Wk 12) KPs will continue with Strategic Planning and KP Retreat

ii) December Staff Work Week (Week before School Reopens)

28 Dec (Tues) School Reopening Staff Workday 1 (full day)

29 Dec (Wed) School Reopening Staff Workday 2 (full day)

Further details (zoom/in-person and schedule) to be given.

iii) P1 2022 Virtual Orientation Day (for P1 2022 FTs)

30 Dec (Thur), 10am - 11:30am, Zoom. This year we will also be having a pre-opening Virtual Orientation for the P1 2022 parents and students to touch base with their respective Form Teachers and each other.

Then, on Day 1, 4 January 2022, we will have a shortened timetable for the P1s - 8:30am - 12pm, and we will have the proper physical Orientation programme for both students (classrooms and school tour) and parents (hall and venues).

Note: Prior to this, SLs and P1 2022 AYH have also briefed all parents at the Welcome Webinar - Admin Briefing on 12 Nov and done our first touch-base with the parents.

Let's have a wonder Week 10 and 11, as we wind down and recharge!
