Staff Bulletin for 2021T3W4

published on Friday, 16 July 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Please welcome Juventus Jeganathan who have joined us on 16 July as an untrained PE teacher.

With the rise in community cases, please be vigilant and remind their students to stay home if unwell, or any if household members are unwell or on QO or SHN.

Being in the thick of a busy term, we may have done or said things we did not mean to, and so I would like to encourage each other to remain patient with one another and forgive any transgressions. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish our Muslim colleagues Selamat Hari Raya Haji.

I leave you with this quote for reflection for the week. "If you feel pain, you are alive. if you feel other people's pain, you are a human being."

Prelim Oral & Briefings

By: MT & EL Departments - Prelim Oral

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 21 July 2021

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

1) Prelim Oral will be held on 28 and 29 July, Wednesday & Thursday, 2:15pm - 5:15pm.

  • If you are unable to perform Prelims Oral duty on these 2 days due to other official duties, please let the HODs EL / MT know.

  • If you are unable to perform Prelims Oral duty on these 2 days due to personal reasons (not official duties), please do check with the SLs in advance.

2) Prelim Oral Briefing (for Students) on 19 July, Monday

  • P6 Prelim Oral Briefing will be conducted via Zoom after Racial Harmony assembly programme on 19 July Monday, during FTGP.

3) Prelim Oral Briefing (for Teachers) on 21 July, Wednesday

  • Prelim Oral briefing for teachers will be done during Staff PD Session on 21 July Wednesday (45 minutes).

Books / Files Check P1 - P5

By: VP

Relevant Levels: Primary

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Term 3

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

Dear everyone,

We have reviewed the intent and process of Books / Files Checks and below are details for the P1 to P5 Checks.


  • The purpose of Books / Files Checks is to know the students'/class's progress in the subject, their quality of work and how they are improving, the feedback and support given to them.

  • All of us teachers own this collectively - we want to, as a team, constantly improve the T&L for our students.


  • The Books / Files Check will be an on-going process during Term 3. Please place the files/books upstairs in the classrooms, similar to the past, for the checks. There is no need to bring down files to the SLs or HODs.

  • EL/MA/SC/MT KPs (official & internal) together with other KPs in the Department will be the ones checking for the respective subjects. KPs will let the subject teachers know once done.

Post-Check Follow-Up:

  • If there are improvement areas that surface through the files/books check, KPs will share with individual teachers. Please do see it as developmental - helping all of us, as teachers, improve in our T&L craft and curriculum delivery, to better meet the developmental needs of our students/classes.

  • We will affirm & share good practices at department level, so we all grow together in constant improvement of T&L.

  • P.S. For 2022, we will have the checks for all levels during the March hols, so we could bridge T&L gaps early in the year.

FTGP - Stephenian Birthday Badges


Levels: All

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Ongoing

Deadline to Note: 26 July 2021

Information Details:

Dear Form Teachers, if you have new pupils who have just joined your classes and do not have a birthday badge printed for them, please enter their full names in the excel found in S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\FTGP & Ethics\FTGP\Stephenian Birthday Programme by 26 July 2021.

Procedure for Parents/Vendors for Visiting School Premise

By: Admin Department

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

All Staff to note - Procedure for parents/vendors if they want to step into school for whatever reasons (e.g. pick up their child, collect work, meet teachers, conduct training, etc.):

1. They must call the general office to make an appointment before they come; OR

2. Teachers can go to to to book the appointment on behalf of parents/vendors.

A copy of the above information and QR code can be found on the whiteboard in the general office.

Changes in Wednesday PM Programme for T3W9 and T3W10

By: VP

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 25 August & 1 September 2021

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

Dear all, please note the changes in the following Wednesdays' afternoon programme:

  • 25 August - Change to SDP (Student Management)

  • 1 September - Change to SCT (End of Term)

  • Note: The original Staff Bonding scheduled for 1 September is subsumed into our Staff Recognition Day activities on 2 September - looking forward to that day!

Cheers everyone!

Changes in School and Staff Photo-taking Dates

By: English / Corporate Communications

Relevant Levels: All Levels / All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: August and Sep 2021

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

Please note that staff and school photo-taking will be rescheduled to 30 & 31 August and 1 Sep. More details to be provided closer to dates. Thanks

Racial Harmony Day - Form Teachers' Time During Assembly


Relevant Levels: Primary 1 to Primary 6 / All FTs

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 19 July 2021

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

Please refer to the slides on objectives and parts to be led by Form Teachers in class during and after the assembly programme.

Do remind your pupils to complete the pre-commemoration activities in SLS by 19 July and come dressed in ethnic attire on 21 July.

RHD Assembly Points for FTs.pptx

National Day Song and Dance

By: CCE. Music and PE

Relevant Levels: Primary 1 to Primary 6 / All FTs

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Ongoing

Deadline to Note:

Information Details: Over the next few Thursdays and the 3 days leading up to our National Day celebration, we will be preparing the boys by learning the actions to the National Day songs and Stephenian Dance. The videos can be found in I:\National Day 2021.

During each pre-assembly on National Day songs and Stephenian Dance, do encourage our boys to actively follow the moves in class - learn the actions, move along and get excited for our country's 56th birthday!

EL Pre-Assembly Sharing by Students

By: English

Relevant Levels: All Levels / All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 16 & 22 July 2021

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

There will be 2 upcoming pre-assembly sharing sessions by students whose works were published on What's Up News for Kids.

Siddharth from 4A will share his article " A Walk to Nowhere". In his article, Siddharth spoke about being close to nature and his tree-bathing experience. You can access his article at this link (scroll down under “Latest Letters”).

Ryan from 5I will share his insights on cyber wellness, specifically, how to stay safe on social media. Ryan's article was published in print, in the June 2021 copy. Letters published in the print copy cannot be accessed on the website, hence we are appending an image of his article here.

During the pre-assembly sessions, both students will share on the motivation behind their works - what had inspired them to write and their journey as young writers.

Follow-up by Form Teachers & EL Teachers:

FTs, after each Sharing, do encourage your classes' boys to continue to find joy in being interested in current issues, have opinions, to readily share their views. Develop our Stephenians into confident citizens.

EL teachers, other than encourage too as above, if there are noteworthy pieces, please surface them to Rachel / Chee for submission to What's Up. Thanks very much.

Prefect Investiture 2021-2022

By: Student Leadership

Relevant Levels: All Levels / All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 12 July 2021

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

The 2021/2022 Prefect Investiture was held on 12 July 2021. The School Leaders presented the certificates and badges to the Exco Student Leaders. They will begin their journey to lead and serve the Prefectorial Board and the School Community.

  • Head Prefect: Luke Kwok, 5A

  • Vice-Head Prefect: Elio Neo, 5A

  • Vice-Head Prefect: Kyte Ryan Robert, 5I

  • Exco member: Gareth Goh, 5E

  • Exco member: Jonas Krisnanto, 5A

  • Exco member: Samuel Loh, 5A

Teachers, do approach the Prefectorial Board to give these boys the opportunity to lead and participate in your various programmes and we welcome any feedback on their strengths and areas of growth.

Please also note that their tenure as Prefect Exco starts in Week 3 and they may be required to leave class for duties. If there are any concerns do get back to Yasmin, Elias or Katherine.

Thank you for reading the Staff Bulletin. We are collating information on how well-read the Staff Bulletin is and how to further improve it. To indicate that you have read it, please click on the following button and answer 2 scale-based questions. There are also further optional questions for your feedback. Thank you and have a GREAT WEEKEND!