Staff Bulletin 2022T2W8

published on Sunday 15 May 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Hope you are having a restful Vesak day long weekend. Here's a short story for our reflection this week:

Two Buddhist monks, on their way to their monastery, found an exceedingly beautiful woman at the riverbank. Like them, she wished to cross the river, but the water was too high. So one of the monks lifted her onto his back and carried her across.

His fellow monk was thoroughly scandalized. For two hours he berated him on his negligence in keeping the rule: Had he forgotten he was a monk? How did he dare touch a woman? And worse, carry her across the river? What would people say? Had he not brought their hold religion into disrepute? And so on.

The offending monk patiently listened to the never-ending sermon. Finally he broke in with "Brother, I dropped that woman at the river. Are you still carrying her?"

Wishing all our Buddhist colleagues and your families, peace, unity and joy on this holy day.

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

We Love Our School (Term 2)


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:

Information Details: Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to the classes which received Grade "A" in Term 2! Thank you, teachers, for being the role-model and leading the classes in their daily cleaning routines. We know that there are many classes which are trying and working hard to aim for A too. Let's all continue to cultivate the right habits and emphasise the importance of keeping the environment clean.

You may use the slides shared during Assembly to engage in deeper conversations with your pupils. Continue to reflect and think of ways as a class to establish routines.

Classes which have earned the $50 prize, please celebrate the success with your classes. Submit the receipts (glued on a A4 piece of paper) and claim form to the general office within a month of purchase.

Grade "A" classes

1 Courage – Agatha and Hanifa

2 Joy – Shahidah and Meng Lee

3 Integrity - Charles and Lee Lian

3 Fortitude - Jaysree and Chloe

Claim Form: S:\@DEPT_GENERAL OFFICE\Useful Administrative & Finance Information\Forms\Finance Forms\Staff Reimbursement Claim Form.xls

We look forward to more A classes in Term 3!

wlos term 2 results.pptx

Use Your Hands Campaign


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 27 May 2022 and 27 June 2022

Information Details: As we approach the end of Term 2, “Use your Hand Campaign” has been scheduled in Week 10, on Friday (27 May) from 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. Lessons will be suspended and Form Teachers will be with your class during this period to facilitate the cleaning and packing up. An announcement will be made for pupils to bring their rags and wet tissues. Do also label clearly any furniture which you would like removed from your classrooms during the June holiday. Please put all tied thrash bags beside the bins at corridors.

To start Term 3 right and clean, we will also be conducting “Use your Hand Campaign” on the first day of school (30 June). Lessons will be suspended a period after morning assembly, exact timing will be share again. Form Teachers will stay in the class after assembly to facilitate the cleaning up.

A set of slides will be shared with you nearer the dates for you to facilitate your discussion and engage them in understanding the purpose of and reflecting on the campaign.

KPs/ICs, please let us know if there are rooms that you would like to arrange for student/teachers to assist in cleaning up during the Use Your Hands Campaign on 27 May 2022. Form will be closed on 20 May 2022.

UYHC - Special rooms for cleaning

Project Superheroes

By: Year Head

Relevant Levels: Primary 6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 26 May, Thursday

Information Details:

A Project Superheroes Motivation Programme will be conducted for the P6 cohort on Thursday, 26 May from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm.

The programme aims to help the boys develop and sustain a positive and Champion's mindset to conquer their challenges. They would also be equipped with the appropriate study techniques to aid them cope with the demands of their studies.

The programme takes a face-to-face approach with a trainer for each class. There will also be follow-up lesson plans for the subject teachers to use so that they too could help increase the boys' motivation in these coming, crucial months.

As timetable will not be suspended, the respective subject teachers (as per timetable) will go to class to monitor and manage the class pupils.

P6 June Holiday Classes

By: Year Head

Relevant Levels: P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 22 to 24 June

Information Details:

To further support and gear up our P6 boys for Prelims/PSLE, the whole cohort will be coming back for June holiday classes (E,M,S,MT) from Wednesday, 22 June to Friday, 24 June .

All lessons will be an hour block with a recess break in between.

The majority of the boys will be in school from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm for all the 3 days. Only those who are not taking MT will be dismissed at 11.30 am for all the 3 days.

Do refer to the attached schedule for the 3 days timetable. Thank you and have a great weekend.

ICT Skills for Students

By: Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels: P3 to P5

Date of Event/Programme/Item:

ICT Programmes at various levels as follows:

P3 - 1) Student iCON Onboarding (19 and 20 May)

2) Google Slides Package at SLS (to complete by 24 June)

P4 - MSExcel Learning Package at SLS (to complete by 24 June)

P5 - 1)Code For Fun (23 May to 26 May)

2) National Digital Explorer (elearning to complete by 24 June)

Information Details:

Please refer to the slides for schedules and details of the ICT programmes for the levels.

ICT Skills for Students.pptx

Recess Safety Duty

By: Safety Committee

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Daily

Information Details:

Hi everyone. Our recess play resumed last Friday and you could see how much it meant to the boys.

At this moment, we are managing recess duties with only one teacher in the canteen and one teacher + one PV on the field.

From Week 10 onwards, we will have one set of teacher + PV at both canteen and field.

You will be receiving a Supervision Script for Recess Duty through your Outlook by next week. As anyone could be deployed for recess duties, it is important that everyone knows how the duties are carried out.

We also need to be consistent with our timings across Levels in getting the boys ready to return to class. Do note the following timings:

T refers to the end time of recess. Thus,T-12 minutes means 12 minutes before end of recess

T-12 minutes eg P4 recess@9.18 am

Field duty teacher: Alert the boys on the field that recess play is about to end (use microphone)

T-10 minutes eg P4 recess@9.20 am

Field duty teacher: Stop recess play by signaling to the boys (using whistle)

Canteen duty teacher: Get the boys in the canteen to clean their table areas, pick up the litter, sweep the floor

T-8 minutes eg P4 recess @9.22 am

Canteen duty teacher: Stop the sale of food and drink

T-5 minutes eg P4 recess@9.25 am

Canteen and field duty teacher: Organise the boys to return to class.

We have observed that some boys did not have enough time to eat/drink because of play. This situation will improve as the boys start to adjust to the timings.

Teacher Growth @ SSS

By: Teacher Leader Council

Relevant Levels: Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Information Details:

Teacher Growth

How am I growing as a Teacher @ SSS?

Here are the 3 pathways to help you grow:

  • Lead through Pedagogy

  • Care through Mentoring

  • Learn through Collaboration

Refer to the table to see our PD opportunities for growth

If we use the HA (Holistic Assessment) lens, we could ask ourselves:

  • Where am I going?

  • Where am I Now?

  • How can I get there?

TEACHER LEADER Conversations

By: Teacher Leader Council

Relevant Levels: Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Information Details:

The Power of Three, this is our third and final repost. We hope by repeating thrice we reach out better.

If you have not read this or started to reflect deeper about your assessment practices in the classroom, why not start today.


How have you included Assessment Practices in your Classroom?

This is how we would like our school to move forward. at the teacher and school level.

Have you started?

HAPPY Moments (Teacher Strategies)

Weekly Practice of one assessment routine in our classrooms

PLT Sharing (WDS/Subject Specific)

Weekly sharing of what went well or what did not go well for our assessment routines

Visit the school sharing folder if you are looking for resources



By: Project Refresh Team

Relevant Levels: Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Information Details:

UPDATE 02/22

The Consultation Phase has now ended.

Thank you.

Stage 1

Email inviting all staff to give feedback to Team members in charge of various Clusters.

(Work Spaces, Rest Spaces, Interaction Spaces and Green Space Concepts)

Team members also personally reached out to ask for your input.

Stage 2

Onsite voting in the staffroom.

Refer to the picture.

Work Stations

High work stations 31/55 = 56%

Low work stations 24/55 = 44%

12% margin


The results of the informal survey at the end of term was inconclusive. Whilst the results favoured high work stations the margin of majority was not significant. More importantly going beyond the data, the anecdotal feedback was that the underlying reason for some staff choosing the high station was for storage, as evident from what was written.

Stage 3

2 rounds in the bulletin to Call for Suggestions and Ideas on Padlet.

Thank you Cikgu Hidayah and Jeff for taking time to pen (type) your thoughts.

We will now move into the Consolidation Phase to work out the requirements and specifications.

The final plan will be based on several decision points including your input. Whilst we aspire to have new welcoming Staff Spaces, we will need to calibrate this with design & functional considerations, market (across schools) practice and MOE policy recommendations. All this along with structural constraints will eventually form our decision matrix to finalise the plan..


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.