Published on Saturday 23 Sep 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T4W3

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

This week, the P6 boys will be sitting for their PSLE and our P5 boys will be going out for their P5 outdoor adventure camp at Sentosa. The other levels will also be on HBL over the PSLE days. This is to alleviate the manpower and space constraints to manage the PSLE operations. Do take note of the duties and likely changes to our usual routine. 

My apologies for forgetting to mention last week that we were starting work to upgrade the parade square. MOE has advised that the interlocking tiles typically used for car parks are not an appropriate surface for PE and sports, and indeed many of our boys did fall and sustain quite bad scrapes and cuts as a result. The work will take about 2 months so do alert your boys to stay away from the area. We will also begin work on the eco-gardens near the canteen and it will take about 3 months. Puwen is finalising details on the eco-garden so if you have ideas on how might want to use the garden for your lessons, do speak to him.

Just 2 important reminders. First, we need to register the 2FA for our MOE iCon (mail, google drive, calendar etc) to keep using and it has to be done by the coming Monday if you have not already done so. Do approach colleagues if you need help. Second, those who have served as election officers will be given a second day off. As we have about 40 staff who served as election officials, I would like to encourage you to spread out your leave and clear them over the coming 6 months, for example, during PSLE marking.  


As we enter an anxious term for us and the boys who will typically be concerned about the coming year-end exams, let us exercise more patience and kindness and continue to love our boys and our profession as teachers.

And now these 3 remain. Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 

~ St Paul

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

2023 PSLE Deployment & Timetable

By:    IPE 

Relevant Levels:   All staff

Date and Time of Event:  28 Sept to 4 Oct

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Please find the revised deployment plan and PSLE timetable for the PSLE days.  As mentioned in my briefing, the deployment of PSLE unofficial duties such as Reporting Officers (RO) and Liasion Officers (LO) is strictly based on daily staff availability. Colleagues assuming these roles, your timetable are indicated in blue (LO) or green (RO) in colours.  

We have 19 teaching staff in the camp and 17 on PSLE duties.  Deployment is stretched quite thinly however, where possible we will not touch your protected time for further ad hoc relief. We seek your kind understanding in this matter.

*Do note that the PLTs and TTTs will be suspended during this stretch.

Dear Invigilators,

You will also receive the same plan but with the candidates' AA details via icon mail.

Thank you!

PSLE (Written) 2023 Staff Deployment 23 Sept.doc

Mid-Autumn Festival Assembly Sharing

By: Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Committee

Relevant Levels: All staff and students

Date and Time of Event:  25 September 2023, Monday (Assembly Period)

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Firstly, the MT Department would like to express our deepest appreciation for your support and assistance to the Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration. Without you, the well-received evening celebration would not have been possible. A big "Thank You!" to each and every one who had lent a helping hand, in one way or another.

There will be a short sharing on the Mid-Autumn Festival during Assembly on Monday. We will be sharing the same Assembly Zoom with Project Kindness (see next bulletin). Kindly log in to the zoom meeting by 12.55pm. The assembly sharing will start at 1pm promptly. 


Thank you!

Project KindneSSS

By:    CCE VIA 

Relevant Levels:   P1 - P5

Date and Time of Event:  Week 3 to Week 8

Information Details: 

Dear all,

We will be embarking on a movement, Project KindneSSS, from Week 3 to Week 8 of this term. This initiative encourages acts of kindness at home, in school and in the community among our Stephenians.

There will be an assembly programme on Monday, 25 September through Zoom to share more about Project KindneSSS. Please login to the School Assembly Zoom link at 12.55 p.m. We will start promptly at 1 p.m. 

You will be receiving the 'Men for Others Passport' for your classes in your classroom teachers' tables. Kindly distribute it to your pupils after the presentation sharing. 

In addition, the VIA Ambassadors have been tasked during the last VIA training to design a Kindness Poster for your class. Please collect from them and paste it somewhere visible in class. 

P6 pupils will be receiving the 'Men for Others Passport' after their PSLE in Week 5. More details will be shared with them then. 

Thank you! 

P1 to P4, P6 Social Studies Mini Test

By:    CCE SS

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P4 and P6

Date and Time of Event:  Weeks 3 - 8

Information Details: 

Dear SS Teachers,

P1 and P2

In hardcopy, Week 3 - 5. Worksheets will be placed on your table. 

P3 and P4

On SLS, Week 3 - 4. Assessment will be shared with you to be assigned to your class. Pupils can have their books to make reference. 


On SLS, Week 6 - 7. Assessment will be shared with you to be assigned to your class. Pupils can have their books to make reference. 

All results are to be entered into School Cockpit by Week 8.

Thank you!

Children's Day Celebration 2023

By: Children Day Celebration Team

Relevant Levels: All staff and students

Date and Time of Event: 5 October 2023, Thursday (0730 - 1330)

Information Details: 

Dear all,

We will celebrate Children’s Day on Thursday, 5 October 2023. This year's theme is Celebrating US (our Unique Strengths). The school will function as per normal with dismissal at 1.30 pm. All subject teachers, pls follow your usual TT to go to classes for the programme scheduled. Venues are indicate in brackets for each activity.

There will be classroom activities and a game+food carnival for the pupils. Pupils will be given coupons to exchange for games and halal certified food. Pupils with dietary restrictions or food allergies are advised not to consume the food

Please see attached file for the details of the programme. 

Resources/links for classroom activities will be shared with you nearer to the celebration.

Thank you!

2023 Children's Day


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.