Staff Bulletin 2022T4W2

published on Sunday 18 Sept 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your work to support the PSLE Listening Comprehension. To help with our planning, we will be sending out the preference form to gather your inputs on your work load preferences and requests for support to balance your needs. I also want to inform you that Soon Weng will be posted to MOE HQ from 1 Oct 2022, and I want to thank him for his service to the school for the last few years.

In the recent MOE Work Plan Seminar, Minister Chan spoke about the uncertain future and the kind of students we need to produce so that they are ready for the future. To paint a picture of the uncertainty, he shared, for example, that the average lifespan of companies is now 15 years, and entire product ranges and services are completely replaced in that time, and for those that don't typically do not survive. With this pace of change and uncertainty about the future, how can we prepare the boys before us today for their future? As I ponder this question, I think we need to re-think many of the things that we do as a school, especially how we see our role as teachers, to focus more on developing our boys to be able to keep learning, and for us to be facilitators and proactive leaders. I see a call for us to look at our work with new eyes, to ask ourselves if the things we are doing are still necessary or make sense, what else we should do instead, or what we can do differently and where we can do better. I leave you with this qupote to ponder this week:

Innovate or die.

~ Peter Drucker

Have a great week ahead!

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

WLOS Instructions Sheet


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 4

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We have introduced the Instruction Sheet to you in Semester 1.

The Instruction Sheet has been pasted on the teacher's table in every classroom(Thanks to Mr Lum and his team). This will help to standardise the instruction for the cleaning up of classroom in the last 5 minutes of our lesson.

Moving forward, we will get these instructions printed and be pasted on the back of the noticeboard from 2023 for easy reference.

Please do alert the team if you have not seen it pasted in your form classroom.

We LOVE Our School and let's get this going! Thank you!

WLOS Instructions Sheet.pdf

Staff Group & Department Photo-taking on 21 Sept 2022

By: Communications Committee

Relevant Levels: All Departments/MOE Staff

Date of Event: 21 September 2022 (Wednesday)

Information Details: There will be a photo-taking session for all staff and the respective departments next Wednesday, after school. The details are as follows:

Time: 2.15 - 4.15 PM (please refer to the schedule in the Google Sheet appended on the right)

Venue: School Hall

Attire: Formal (preferably in solid colours instead of prints) Please click on the second tab in the Google Sheet to view some guidelines provided by the photographer.

Instructions: KPs are to gather their respective department members and report to the hall at their scheduled time slot. Feel free to bring your own props, dress in a particular colour and arrange yourselves in your desired formation for your department photograph. To expedite the photo-taking process, please key in some details (in the same Google sheet under the Schedule tab) about your department photograph for the photographer to take note of.

Staff Photo-taking 2022

Sample Reference Shot

Source: Pinterest

Students Participation and Achievement Records

By: Jansher Khan

Relevant Levels: All Levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: By 3 October (Deadline)

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

Please key in to school cockpit for students participation and achievements in your various programs for both academic and non-academic (CCA and others). This will allow the Prize Giving Team the ability to take into account students achievements in order to prepare and consider students for their awards (eagles, pinnacle and other awards) through a centralized manner.

For events after 3rd October, please key them soon after the events have been completed.

Please refer to the google slides attached if you need guidance on keying in students participation and achievement in the various competitions/events. Thank you very much for recording the participation of students under your care.

Participation & Achievements

Keying in Participation and Achievement to school cockpit

Staff Preference Survey

By: SLs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Deadline 23 September Friday

Information Details:

Dear everyone, it is the time of year again as we plan our deployment towards the 2023 Stephenian curriculum and experience for our boys. Here is the Staff Preference Survey.

Do give careful thought to your preferred choice(s) of Committees and CCAs, for igniting and supporting passion in the students and for your personal growth of experiences, skillsets and perspectives as well. We will try to match your passions, strengths, experiences and preference choices with the respective committees and CCAs as much as possible, but we seek your kind understanding too if school needs require you elsewhere. Together, for our boys.

Do note 2 changes: With our successful opening of the Heritage Gallery and 65th Anniversary this year, the Heritage Committee will be retired from next year. Many thanks to the team of Heritage teachers for this year's special efforts! Also, the Safety Committee is a now KP Duties Team, hence taken out of the Areas of Interest list too.

There is also an interesting option that we are considering introducing, in one of the last few questions, do take a look. We hope that it might gives each of us that impetus and opportunity to venture forth and gain new experiences and refresh ourselves, that we stay abreast of industry developments and bring the best relevance to our students. :D

This is the link -

All teachers must submit the staff preference form. Do take time over these few days to consider and indicate your preferences. The closing date for submission is 23 September 2022, Friday.


HBL & P5 Camp Schedule During PSLE Written Exam 29 Sept to 5 Oct 2022

By: Mdm Belle Taw

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: During PSLE Written Exam 29th September to 5th October 2022

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

As we resume to normalcy, 2022 PSLE written exam days will revert to pre-covid arrangement with staggered HBL day for some levels. Please find the attached schedule which spells out the specific HBL day for the levels while the P5 boys will be attending the P5 Camp. The P4 and P3 levels were assigned to days when there are minimal loss of Science curriculum time.

An adjusted school timetable for these dates will be e-mailed to the staff prior to the start of PSLE Written Exam.

School HBL & P5 Camp Schedule During PSLE Written Exam.pdf

P6 PSLE Written Exam Briefing for Candidates

By: PSLE IPEs--Mdm Belle Taw & Mr Sheikh

Relevant Levels: P6 level

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 22 September, Thursday

Information Details:

Dear all P6 FTs and Subject teachers,

The P6 level will be briefed on the "PSLE Written Exam" from 730am to 830am on 22 September, Thursday before they go on their study break. As they are already seated in the hall after the flag-raising ceremony, we can save time on movement.

Besides sharing on the logistical arrangement, groupings and exam venues, they will also be briefed on the use of new barcode labels which they are required to paste on their PSLE Answer booklets which will facilitate on screen marking. A practice session on the pasting will be conducted during their EL lesson after this briefing.

Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.