Staff Bulletin for 2022T1W10

published on Saturday 12 March 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We have come to the end of the term and I hope you have a well-deserved rest next week.

I also hope that you had a fruitful meeting with the parents of your boys. Do let us know if there were any issues or concerns raised so that we can address them, and also do let us know how we can improve the process of providing timely feedback to the parents so that they can take steps to work with the boys. I also hope that you have discovered new insights on what it means to be a Lasallian Teacher after the Lasallian Formation Day.

You would have heard that MOE will completely do away with Mid-Year exams from next year. We are studying the issue and are trying to balance having sufficient checkpoints to monitor the boys' learning, and yet reduce the stress and time of formal Mid-Year exams. For this year, as the P6 papers have already been set by the respective CBS Primary schools, we will go ahead with the Mid-Year exams for the P6 boys. We will update everyone on the P4 MYE after we have finalised the assessment plan.

As we take a pause, let us reflect on how we have been effective in the effort we have put in our classes to create a culture of care and a culture of learning. Specifically, are our lessons engaging and have we been focused on whether our boys are learning what we have set out to teach them? And have we created a culture of care by putting in place positive class routines, mindfulness, activated student leadership, restored relationships through Restorative Practice? Let us resolve to continue building up our boys and classes in Term 2 so that we can all flourish as students, teachers and as a school.

Thanks for acknowledging the bulletins and giving your feedback. Thanks to Nicole V for your suggestion on the leadership roles. I will discuss it with the student leadership team, and thanks to Christine for your suggestion of Dress Down Friday. We wIll discuss with EXCO and update all.

Remembering that God is with you will help and inspire you in all that you do.

~ De La Salle

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Term 2 Deployment and Timetable

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 2

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear everyone,

There will be some changes in the timetable in Term 2 due to deployment movements:

  • We welcome new staff joining us: our NIE trainees have completed their practicum and have been posted back to us. We also welcome again our UTs and Relief teachers who joined us in February. Additional FAJT staff will also join us in Term 2.

  • There will also be tweaks to a few classes to further augment the support for them.

As such, there will be changes to the Term 2 Timetable and we will keep everyone updated once the Term 2 Timetable is finalised.

Let's everyone also continue to support our new colleagues and grow together as one Stephenian staff and family!

Thank you again everyone and cheers!

Term 2 Ethics and Catechism


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Every Tuesday

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details: Dear Ethics and Catechism Teachers, Term 2 resources are in the sharing folder and Google Drive respectively.

Class lists should be firmed up by now and they are in School Cockpit. Do check that the correct boys are in your classes during the lessons and update Danielle immediately if there are any edits to be made.




Term 2 CCE (FTGP)

By: CCE Department

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Weekly

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

Dear Form Teachers,

CCE (FTGP) Lessons

Term 2 SOWs and resources for CCE (FTGP) are ready in the sharing folder:


In the resource packages, you may find embedded PowerPoint slides to help you in your FTGP lessons. Please follow the suggested timeline in the SOW to ensure that you have covered the unit comprehensively.


If you require more forms for one-to-one interaction, please make photocopies for your class. We do not need to ask the pupils all the questions on the form as they are just guiding questions to get the conversation going and build teacher-student relationship. Should you need help, feel free to approach Nuraini for assistance.

P4 to P6 Sacrament of Reconciliation


Relevant Levels: P4 to P6 Catechism classes

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 22 March 2022

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details: Dear P4 to P6 teachers, your pupils will be having their Sacrament of Reconciliation on 22 March 2022 in the Hall and PAL Room. These areas will be out of bounds from 0730 to 1000.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also known as Penance and Confession. It proceeds in three parts:

Confession. You give an account of your sins. For a fruitful Confession, you can prepare by making an Examination of Conscience, reflecting on what sins you have committed and why.

Absolution. Through the ministry of the Church, the confessor (priest) absolves you of your sins.

Penance. You complete some form of prayer or sacrifice, as prescribed by the confessor. This helps to reform and reorient your soul.

Please take note of the schedule which Catechism pupils listed according to form classes are to make their way to the hall. Pupils will return to class whenever they are done.

Sacrament of Reconciliation