Staff Bulletin for 2022T1W7

published on Saturday 19 February 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

What is pre-occupying my mind this week is the rise in the number of discipline incidents among the boys. Let's continue to build on the efforts of our Start Right in week 1 by being consistent in our expectations and persisting with the mindful silence and restorative practices to help the boys be more settled in class. Let us also continue to patiently correct the inappropriate behaviours when we see them. By now, we should also have put in place the classroom routines that Skeikh and the Year Heads have painstakingly put together from the best practices among our staff. Do continue to teach, rehearse and reinforce all the routines.

I also observe that not all teachers have the habit of ensuring the class is neat and clean at the start and end of the lessons. I have always found that my insistence on cleanliness in my classes is a very important practice in signalling the high expectation that I have of them. It is also a practical way for us to leave every place better than we found it. Let's impress on the boys that the class does not clean itself and they need to do their part. For our part, we do need to role-model to signal its importance and spend the effort to organise the class for that few minutes at the start and end of every lesson.

This brings to mind one of the 12 Virtues of a Lasallian Teacher: Vigilance. In our Founder De La Salle's words about Vigilance:

“. . . makes us diligent and painstaking in fulfilling all our duties . . .

[The teacher] must watch over himself [and] be vigilant over his students . . . .”

Finally, I want you to know that you don't have to struggle alone in silence. Your mental well-being is important, and we are here to help and support you. That is our commitment as a Lasallian School to strive to live up to our value of Community. We may not have all the answers and solutions to the challenges we face, but facing them together will make all the difference.

Believe and Serve,

Timothy Goh

Update on COVID-19 Matters

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear all,

School SMMs

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced further streamlining of SMMs and updated guidelines for all sports activities with effect from 25 Feb that includes safe distancing and capacity limits for the general public.

As schools seek to ride out the Omicron wave safely, there will not be further changes at this point, except for guidelines for students preparing for NSG which will be provided later.

Management of Positive Cases

  • Staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 on their self-administered ART, and have no or mild symptoms, are advised to book an appointment at the Combined Test Centres (CTCs) and Quick Test Centres (QTCs) to do a supervised self-administered ART test instead of seeing a doctor. If Ag+, they will be placed under Protocol 2 and can collect 3 ART kits from vending machines. The ART test results would be updated in MOH’s records. This will also facilitate the issuance of Health Risk Notice (HRN) to close contacts for their self-monitoring.

  • Aligning to the national healthcare protocols, staff/students returning to school after recovery from COVID-19 (PCR+, Ag+ from healthcare or self-administered ART) are not required to present medical certificates, doctor’s letters or recovery memos. For those who self-exit after 72 hours and before their time-based discharge, photo evidence of their ART results will suffice prior to returning.

  • Students who are tested positive for COVID-19 and absent from school’s formal assessment and examination would similarly not be required to produce a medical certificate, doctor’s letter or recovery memo to cover their absence. Photo evidence of the student’s SMS from MOH or the Ag+ test result will suffice.

Updated MOH Healthcare Protocols

  • From 18 February 2022, two key changes have been introduced to Protocol 3 on management of close contacts.

a. The self-monitoring period will be reduced from 7 days to 5 days, as individuals infected with the Omicron variant have been shown to have a shorter incubation period.

b. Protocol 3 will be changed from an order to an advisory. The Health Risk Warning (HRW) will be replaced by the Health Risk Notice (HRN) for close contacts identified by MOH under Protocol 3. Close contacts who have already received HRWs prior to 18 Feb should complete their 7-day monitoring period.

c. Individuals issued HRN can continue to obtain their ART kits through designated vending machines, to facilitate their self-testing during the monitoring period.

  • Self-testing of Staff/Students on HRN: Staff/students are reminded to exercise personal responsibility and carry out a self-administered ART daily before reporting to school during their 5-day self-monitoring period. If they are tested Ag+, they should follow Protocol 2 or if they are unwell, they should see a doctor. Schools are not required to have sight of the test results.

  • Provision of ART kits for Students on Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) on HRN: We will continue to support our FAS students on HRN. If needed, FTs please do alert us to offer them additional ART kits to supplement those issued by MOH for their daily testing.

  • As part of the broad shift to self-responsibility, staff/students who are close contacts, whether they are informed by MOH or by any COVID-19 case such as those on Protocol 2, are to moderate their social activities. They should monitor their health and self-test with ART before leaving home for that day, especially if they are going to crowded places or in contact with vulnerable individuals. Please do advise your affected students similarly.

Updates on School Facilitated Vaccination Exercise (SFVE) for Primary Schools

The SFVE has been reported in the news. MOE will centrally send out a PG Note to the parents of P1-P6 students to inform them of school facilitated vaccination exercise. In case parents ask you about it when they receive the PG Note:

  • This is an Opt-In exercise and is only for those who have not booked appointments via National Appointment System (NAS), as well as those who have not received their first vaccination dose.

  • There is a deadline for interested parents to submit their registration (via linked FormSG in the PG Note); late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Details are in this PG Note sent centrally by MOE to all parents today:

Student groups: All Primary levels (1–6)

Title: School Facilitated Vaccination Exercise for COVID-19 Vaccination for P1-6 Students Below 12 Years Old



Dear Parents/Guardians,

MOE will be facilitating COVID-19 vaccination for eligible P1-6 students, who are below 12 years old as at 8 Apr 2022. Schools will bus students with parental consent to a paediatric Vaccination Centre (VC) between 21 Mar-8 Apr for Dose 1, and three weeks later for Dose 2. This will only be for those who have not booked appointments via National Appointment System (NAS), as well as those who have not received their first vaccination dose.

The school will update you on the date and time for both doses by 14 Mar. Please note that vaccination will take place during school hours. Parent/guardian accompaniment is not required. Please consult your child's doctor if he/she has underlying medical conditions that might affect his/her medical eligibility. If your child turns 12 after Dose 1, he/she will continue to receive the same paediatric dosage for Dose 2.

If you would like the school to facilitate your child's vaccination, please register via the linked FormSG by 22 Feb, 12pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.

On the day before Dose 1 and Dose 2 vaccination, you will also need to complete and sign the medical screening form for your child to bring to the VC. He/She will need to answer some questions at the VC. Do explain to your child the information required. Please be contactable during the time of your child's vaccination should there be a need to verify any information. Your child will not be vaccinated if he/she refuses or if any of the required information cannot be verified.

For parents who are overseas, a signed letter of consent and authorisation should be issued to a Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident to register via FormSG on your behalf. Parents remain responsible for filling in the letter of consent and medical screening form. The forms should be provided to the school and your child.

Students are reminded to bring their student pass for the purpose of identification at the VC. Thank you.

Link: FormSG Link

3 attachments (available to parents in the PG Note)

  • Medical Screening Form.pdf (286.42 KB)

  • Letter of Consent and Authorisation.pdf (377.94 KB)

  • Questions at VCs.pdf (96.21 KB)

On Discipline: Together, An Upward Lift

By: VPs & Yasmin Angullia

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We have reached the latter half of Term 1 and this is the time students again start to change - get older, try to assert themselves more, get stressed or quarrelsome and so on. Hence, we would like to revisit Classroom Management and Case Reporting/Management with all, so we could together maintain and further improve our level and school discipline tone.

Classroom Management

We would like to ask everyone to revisit the SSS Classroom Management Plan (See attached PDF) shared by the YHTeam earlier - for use by all teachers.

  • Let's utilise the routines and support structures to put in place and harness in ensuring good classroom management, so the boys are settled and have clear messaging and routines to follow.

  • Particularly for within a class - all teachers let's strive to use / give the same signals and routines so students do not vary their behaviour according to differing practices or standards set by each of us individually.

  • All level teachers, let's also help to look out for each others' classes within the levels and intervene to correct errant behaviour or pre-empt a degeneration of student behaviour. As one teacher, we are each alone, but as a level, we are a band of like-minded educators out to lift our level's student behaviour and motivation, together, in united strength and purpose.

  • The golden adage - upstream prevention, pre-emption and preparation is always better than downstream firefighting.

Case Reporting and Management

There has been an increase in the number of discipline cases which involve fighting, rash acts of mischief, hitting / punching, defiance and disruptions. Many of these incidents happened when the teacher is not in class before morning assembly, at recess or after school, as well as during lessons.

For the errant cases, we want to inform everyone that these Level 2/ 3 cases must be reported and will be managed collaboratively as a team. Discipline Committee will usually be in consultation with FTs, YHs, Care Team, Counsellors as well as SLs. Appropriate discipline measures will be meted out in consultation with SLs and the boys will be supported at the same time, to encourage them to turn around and do better.

As a school, we must maintain standards and a firm consistent tone on discipline - every Stephenian must strive to be resilient, mindful and disciplined in his words, thoughts and actions - then learning and growth can take place.

After (for for necessary cases, during) the discipline consequences, we will then continue with our RP chats with the errant boy(s) - showing our genuine care and concern, to help them make positive motivating choices instead of re-offending - an upward lift rather than a downward spiral; repair relations and look ahead.

For classroom infractions, we need to operate in the 3rd RP quadrant of high control and high support.

For your reference, the Behavioural Suppport and Teacher Response Flowchart is attached. It incorporates the Positive Behaviour Interventions Support (PBIS) and/or Restorative Practice (RP). We hope it provides you with a simple flow of what to do in response to a case incident.

At the most basic level, PBIS can be described as a 3-pronged approach:

1. Explicitly teach what is the expected behavior; for eg if you expect him to use kind words, give examples and show how it is done.

2. Actively acknowledge students when they are following the expected behavior;

3. Correct them when they are not following the expectations at the appropriate time, making them understand how their actions impact others.

In RP, we also continue with the Traffic Light questioning to help the students to be more reflective of the harm and hurt caused by their inappropriate behavior. The Restorative approach we take beyond the discipline consequences will allow us to look upstream in preventing repeat offences.

Do reach out to the SDT, Std Well-Being Team, any of us KPs or any of our colleagues around for support if needed any time. Also, when incidents happen, we have to engage parents to inform them and also assure them that we will work together to support the child.

Let's all be united in our collective effort to create that conducive school environment and disciplined student behaviour to allow rich learning to then take place. Together, let's always see a cup half full and do whatever it takes to improve, encourage, motivate, and affirm our boys in their character growth.

Let's create better weeks ahead! ... :-)

Classroom Management Plan.pdf
Behavioural Support Flowchart & Teacher Response Flowchart.docx

Scouts Founder's Day (World Scouting Movement)

By: Cub Scout CCA

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 21 & 22 February 2022

Deadline to Note: NIL

Information Details:

Dear FTs,

On 22 February the World Scouting Movement will be celebrating their Founder’s Day. To commemorate this occasion:

  • We will be showing our Scouts Day Speech video during assembly on Monday 21 February.

  • The video is in the media folder, for your pre-viewing. I:\2022 Scout Founder's Day

  • Our Cub Scouts would be wearing their uniform and reciting the Scout Promise before morning flag-raising assembly on Tuesday 22 February.

The Scouting Movement aims to educate young people to build a better world, be self-fulfilled and constructive members of society, laudable values and aspirations in line with our Lasallian mission, and we hope all of us teachers could emphasise this to all our students, for their growth.

Thank you!

Scouts Teachers

Run Jump & Throw

By: PE/CCA and Aesthetics Department

Relevant Levels: P3 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: "Run Jump and Throw" Event ( formerly known as Annual Athletic Event)

Deadline to Note: Wk 8 to Wk 10 ( Planned event)

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

We would like to share with everyone on our upcoming "Run Jump and Throw" Event for students.

To keep everyone updated - we used to have the annual Sports Day. Due to Covid-19 and new focus areas, for this year, the Run Jump Throw Event has replaced the Annual Athletic Meet.

The "Run Jump and Throw" aims to increase pupils' opportunities of participation in Sports Competition as well as provide platforms for pupils to develop their leadership skills. The P3 to P6 pupils will participate in the "Run Jump and Throw" Events during PE lessons, and they will also be given officiating roles to assist the PE teachers in organising the events.

We hope the pupils will have an enjoyable "Run Jump and Throw" experience, and we invite teachers to encourage the pupils to enjoy themselves and compete in the best spirit of sportsmanship.


2022 P6 CA1 Schedule & Invigilation Timetable.pdf