Staff Bulletin 2022 T4W11

published on Sunday 20 Nov 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We made it! My deepest thanks to all of you for your hard work, especially this week, with the results processing, Graduation Party, Graduation Ceremony, Thanksgiving Mass, and review meetings, and use your hands campaign. I also want to share that our school was awarded the Outstanding Environmental Project at the Schools Green Awards, and I want to thank the Eco-Green Committee, the P2PAL Team and the ALP/VIA Team for their continuing effort to inculcate a sense of environmental stewardship among our boys and staff. We will get to slow down next week while we look back on our work and look ahead to next year. Here's a frequently told story on the importance of unwinding and sharpening the saw:

A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see and asked the students, "How much do you think this glass weighs?" 50 gms!.... 100 gms!' 125 gms….the students answered. "I really don't know unless I weigh it," said the professor, "but, my question is…what would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?"

“Nothing" the students said. "Ok! What would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?" the professor asked. “Your arm would begin to ache," said one of the students. “You're right. Now what would happen if I held it for a day?"

“Your arm could go numb. You might have severe muscle stress and paralysis and have to go to hospital for sure!" ventured another student and all the students laughed. "Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?" asked the professor.

"No…" the students said. "Then what caused the arm ache and the muscle stress?" The students were puzzled. "Put the glass down!" said one of the students.

"Exactly!" said the professor. "Life's problems are something like this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head and they seem okay. Think of them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold it even longer and they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything."

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Revised EOY Holiday Work Week Schedule

By: Chor Kheng

Relevant Levels: (All Staff)

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 21 Nov to 25 Nov, 28 Dec to 30 Dec

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

As PSLE Results Release will be on Wednesday 23 Nov, here is the revised version of EOY Work week Schedule.

Thank you.

EOY Holiday Work Schedule_Revised.docx

RP Training

By: Yasmin Angullia

Relevant Levels: All Teachers

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 21 Nov 2022

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We will have our Restorative Practice Training Session on Monday, 21 Nov, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Please refer to the revised grouping enclosed.

Have fun bonding, reflecting and sharing!

Credere et Servire


Staff Groupin for RP Training EOY 2022.xlsx


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.