Staff Bulletin for 2023 T1W9

Published on Saturday 25 February 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to start with a word of thanks to all of you for sharing your concern and praying the bus situation will be resolved soon. Next week will be the real test of whether the next operator can manage.  So on Wednesday 1 March, we may have to spend a bit more time to help the P1 and P2 boys board the bus and will ask for them over the PA to be released a bit earlier, and we may need everybody's help to confirm the new bus numbers with the boys, and the GO will be issuing a personalised tag and provide more details. Thank you for your concern and support.

Also, just a heads up that after the holidays, we will have a few days of experiential learning. It is a way for us to consolidate our learning journeys over a few days so that we won't have to interrupt curriculum time on other days, and to optimise manpower. It is also a way to create a celebratory mood for the boys to make learning joyful. 

On a separate note, if you have not already done so, do find some time for me to catch up with you, and let me know when is a good time, either by sending an invite over Google Calendar or just whatsapp or see me. In the midst of all our struggles, I like this quote from Stephen Covey:

 "I am not a product of my circumstances. 

I am a product of my decisions."

~ Stephen Covey

Have a great week ahead!

Credere et Servire! 

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

7 Habits @ SSS T&L:   H7 "Sharpen The Saw" - Joy of Learning & Discovery

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone, 

We have been on the 'Joy of Learning' journey for the past years.  Last week, one particular news seem to be a good fit to refresh our appreciation of this. It is in a different context, but many a times, that's when the best saw sharpening takes place.

Changing Contexts:

From Helsinki to Singapore: Finnish pair cycle across 21 countries in 245 days

Many of us would have read about how a pair of cycling enthusiasts cycled from Helsinki to Singapore, with their finishing point the Finnish Embassy here in SG.  Theirs was a journey borne out of a passion of discovery, and a journey of more discoveries along the way. There is much to learn and be inspired, and perhaps it presents us with a different context to re-appreciate our understanding of The Joy of Learning.

In the link below is an account of their journey, and their learning in their words. At our end, what parallels or personal takeaways about the joy of learning and discovery could we draw from them?

This is the personal sharing by them on their Instagram page:

Valtteri Heinilä

Looking for my next big challenge

3d  Edited

We did it! We just cycled from Helsinki to Singapore!

• 21 countries

• 15400km

• 245 days

Why in the world would we cycle to Singapore?

We wanted to go on an adventure. Alvari had cycled from Helsinki to France and liked it. We looked at a map and Singapore seemed like a nice peninsula at the very end of continental Asia. 

We wanted to break daily routines, to do some house cleaning of our minds, to slow time down, to rid ourselves of living for the future, to challenge ourselves both phyiscally and mentally. And we did just that!

Words fall short to capture the emotions of yesterday, so here are some effable learnings from life on the saddle:

1. The best days are the ones that seem worst in the moment. This goes for this trip and my previous jobs. The days where shit hits the fan are the ones in which you learn the most and that you will later cherish. 

2.  Don't consume experiences and hope for things to play out in a hopeful way, but create your own adventures with the resources you have available and make things happen.  

3. Expect nothing. Focus on the process, not the outcome. 

4. Finland is quite a special country where things really work well and the quality of life is extremely high. I easily fall into routines and comfort, so remember to continue to challenge yourself and don't fall into the traps of comfort and pleasure.  

5. Stay active. The most physical days seem to provide the most insight and feelings of tranquility. 

6. It doesn't really help what you want to do in the future, just give 100% to what you are doing now and it will open doors for you later on. Less planning, more living.  

Thanks for all the support!



Follow our more deeper reflections on ig:

And at our professional and personal level, as we finish 'ciong-ing' our end of our Term 1 assessment marking and muse the next course to take with our students, we could:

Came across these 2 things, for the hiking/cycling and arts enthusiasts out there:

Hiking-walking-cycling Trails in SG -

Van Gogh Immersive Experience in SG - an ArtScience experience!

Cheers everyone!

Termly Review - Student Leaders

By: CCE - Student Leadership (Mr Elias Chiang)

Relevant Levels: P1-P6

Date and Time of Event: T1W9-T1W10

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

Please have a short face to face chat with your student leaders (class committee, prefects and CCA leaders) by the end of T1W10, Friday, with regards to their leadership performance in their respective roles. You may use the FTGP periods to do so.

Do share with them their areas for growth as well as their strengths to motivate them to do better in term 2.

Please also check the boxes whether each student leader is "Approaching Expectations", "Meeting Expectations" or "Exceeding Expectations" together with a short description on their strengths and areas for growth.

Your inputs will help us to monitor every Stephenian along his leadership journey throughout his time in school and possibly used to see if each student is able to cross between the different tiers of the leadership framework.

Tier 2 class committee student leaders (Class leaders, line leaders, Peer Support Leaders and VIA Ambassadors) whom have been "Approaching Expectations" for both term 1 and 2 can be opted to be replaced by another student (more deserving) from term 3 onwards. 

Class Committee Google Sheet: 

Thank you for all your help and support.

Class Committee Confirmed Roles 2023

Habits in Action

By: CCE - Student Leadership (Mr Elias Chiang)

Relevant Levels: P1-P6

Date and Time of Event: Morning Announcements

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

We will be looking to share positive stories of any students who you have observed to have practiced and demonstrated any of the 7 habits in school (lessons / CCA / recess / dismissal etc.) or outside school (NSG / VIA etc.) once a week during morning announcements.

This is to provide positive affirmation and recognition to students who have applied the 7 habits and to inspire others to do the same.

You may upload your stories on this Google slides and the student leadership team will "vet" and share them at least once a week starting from T2W1 or earlier.

Habits in Action (Google Slides): 

Thank you.

Habits in Action

ICT Updates

By:     Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels:    All Staff

Date and Time of Event:   

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues

                           Please take note of the following  :

1) SSOE2 Seat Refresh 

The computer lab 2 is the operations room for SSOE2 Seat Refresh exercise from 27 Feb to 3 March 2023 and is out of bound to all students.

2) STeP Sharing (Innovation in Action : iPad 1 to 1)

The school is hosting some visitors from the teaching fratenity on Thursday, 2nd March from 8.00 am to 10.30 am for this sharing. 

The visitors would also conduct a short open classroom visit to 2 of our STeP classes, 4C and 4D. 

Please help to ensure that all our boys in school are on their best behaviour.

Thank you.

Whole School Experiential Learning (Term 2 Week 1)

By:     SDT Team

Relevant Levels:    P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   20 & 21 March 2023, Monday & Tuesday

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please find the link attached to have an overview of the school structure and 2 days plan of the various levels during the Whole School Experiential Learning on 20 & 21 March 2023, Monday & Tuesday.  

Do note that on Term 1 Week 10, Monday, during the FTGP period, the level Year head, together with the various owners/ teachers-in-charge of the specific programme, will brief each individual level (form teachers and students) on the expectations, programme objectives, day plans and logistical arrangement via zoom. 

Thank you

Whole School Experiential Learning in Term 2 Week 1 (20 & 21 March 2023).pdf


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.