Published on Saturday 24 Feburary 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T1W9

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Just one more week plus to go before we get to the March holidays! Thank you for holding out for the whole term of term 1 which has just zoomed by. Some of us might be feeling discouraged because what we are trying to do doesn't seem to be succeeding. But here's an excerpt from Jim Collin's Good to Great:


Picture an egg. Day after day, it sits there. No one pays attention to it. No one notices it. Certainly no one takes a picture of it or puts it on the cover of a celebrity-focused business magazine. Then one day, the shell cracks and out jumps a chicken.

All of a sudden, the major magazines and newspapers jump on the story: “Stunning Turnaround at Egg!” and “The Chick Who Led the Breakthrough at Egg!” From the outside, the story always reads like an overnight sensation—as if the egg had suddenly and radically altered itself into a chicken.  

Now picture the egg from the chicken's point of view.  

While the outside world was ignoring this seemingly dormant egg, the chicken within was evolving, growing, developing—changing. From the chicken’s point of view, the moment of breakthrough, of cracking the egg, was simply one more step in a long chain of steps that had led to that moment. Granted, it was a big step—but it was hardly the radical transformation that it looked like from the outside.  

It’s a silly analogy, but then our conventional way of looking at change is no less silly. Everyone looks for the “miracle moment” when “change happens.” But ask the good-to-great executives when change happened. They cannot pinpoint a single key event that exemplified their successful transition.  

So, just like an egg, trust that the good that you are trying to do day in and day out is slowly transforming the boys. 

God doesn’t require us to succeed, he only requires that you try. 

~ Mother Theresa

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Class Committee Training

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development (Elias)  

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: T1W9, Mon, 26 Feb, 12pm-1:30pm  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having our class committee training for the whole school on Monday, 26 Feb.

Timetable will be suspended and all teachers are to follow the deployment plan shared here.

Please ensure the following has been completed before the training:

Please read through the following tabs of the same document in the Google Sheet and if you are unsure of any matters, please approach Elias for clarification.

Please find your name in the deployment plan by the "Ctrl F" function. Do familiarise yourself with your job scope and training venue. Please take a look at the deployment plan again at 10am as should there be any staff absent on training day, we will refer to this deployment plan for "relief" purposes only from 12pm-1:30pm.

Please take some time to read the programme flow. 

We need the help of subject teachers to administer the snack break for P1-P3 students at 1130am. 

P1-P2 classes will head to the hall at 12pm. 

P3-P6 classes to be in their form classrooms to attend a Zoom briefing from 12pm (FT with the "lower priority" role to log into Zoom and stay with class until Zoom briefing ends) for the training conducted by Elias in which instructions will be given to the students to move to the various venues for training. (P6 classes to be swift in heading back to class after recess.)

There are many moving parts in this programme and this will be the 1st time we will be doing this so do expect some chaos, lost sheeps and a higher noise volume along the corridors in school. 

Let's remember to have the paradigm of leadership (everyone can be a leader) when we meet, instruct and train our boys to become Stephenian gentlemen and stewards.

Thank you everyone for your support and let's have a great class committee training session together! 

We believe in ourselves and the boys!

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Training Deployment Plan

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Training Programme Flow

Topic: Class Committee Training Briefing 2024 

(P3-P6 only)

Time: Feb 26, 2024 12:00 PM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 883 7384 3881

Passcode: Leadership 

Class Committee Training Slides 2024

7Hs Sharpen Our Saw: Fear is Your Friend, and Embrace Your Failure

By:   VP

Relevant Levels:   -

Date and Time of Event:   -

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

This article came up in yesterday's Google News curation, about embracing fears and failures, and the key beliefs that Nvidia's CEO Jensen Huang saw as important, in his company's journey to success. (Pardon some of the weapons imagery used in the article.)

Thought that there are aspects here that could encourage and rally us too in our journey with our students, in our personal journey as an educator and our collective journey as a school. Now that we are reaching the end of term soon and even as we are now delving into our fuel reserves :D, many of us are also doing our looking-back on the term and reflecting/reviewing,  And our boys as well - helping our boys look back on their personal and collective (e.g. class/CCA) journey this term, and how to improve ahead. Hope we all find these advice points from a different context useful!

Particularly as we explore, experiment, deepen or innovate in our T&L subject areas, with our classes / boys, and strive to lead our boys to better their learning and performance, many a times things just don't seem to gel or work and we get discouraged along the way.  Jensen Huang's advice is a useful balm here - seeing fear as a friend, embracing and sharing our failures, staying steadfast towards the goal, and collaborating together with inputs from other experts in the team. 

These are the great ingredients that can help us go from good to great in our work with our boys and in our subjects and areas, steadfast towards that Lasallian and Stephenian experience that we envisage for our boys

Many cheers!



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.