Published on Saturday 29 Sep 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T4W4

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

My heartfelt thanks to the teachers who spent the last 3 days with the P5 boys, and the invigilators looking after the PSLE boys, as well as the rest of us for taking over and relieving classes. Next week will be a short week with the children's day celebrations, and as we will be having treats for the school at the canteen, do refrain from buying food items for the boys as part of your treats to them.

I leave you with the quote of the week which I hope you read slowly and let settle in your heart, and when you find the right opportunity, share it with your boys and loved ones too.


The fruit of silence is prayer, 

the fruit of prayer is faith, 

the fruit of faith is love, 

the fruit of love is service 

and the fruit of service is peace. 

~ Mother Theresa

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Thank You, Teachers

By:    Chor Kheng

Relevant Levels:   All Teachers

Date and Time of Event:  NA

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Thank you for all that you have done for our boys. Parents have penned words of appreciation for you on Teachers' Day. You may access the link to see the messages.

Thank you!

Thank You Teachers.mp4

P5 and P6 Sexuality Education Programme

By:    CCE

Relevant Levels:   P5 and P6

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear all,

As shared in Term 2 Week 7's Bulletin (, P5s and P6s will be having their SEd Programme during CCE (FTGP) this term. 

Parents had been informed through Parents Gateway to fill in the opt out by 26 June if they do not wish their son/ward to be part of the programme. These 3 pupils will be pulled out by Mrs Sandran to the computer lab 2 when the lessons are taught:

SEd trained teachers

5C - Pui Huang

5D - Christin

5E - Yasotha

5F - Eileen

5G - Jansher

5H - Puwen

6C - Christine

6D - Quan Kai 

6E - Darren

6F - Sherwin

6G - Siew Kheong

6H  - Rozita

The resources are in the CCE (FTGP) Learning Experience Plans and can also be found in: S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\Sexuality Education\Sexuality Education 2023.


Thank you!

9 and 12 Oct P5 EYE Oral Deployment 2023.docx
P5 EYE Oral Floor Plan.pdf
P5 EYE Oral Planning.xlsx
9 and 12 Oct P5 EYE Oral Deployment 2023.docx
P5 EYE Oral Floor Plan.pdf
P5 EYE Oral Planning.xlsx

P3 to P5 End-of-Year Oral Examinations 2023

By: EL & MT Dept

Relevant Levels: All Staff and P3 to P5 students

Date and Time of Event:  9 to 12 October 2023

Information Details: 

Dear all,

We will be conducting EYE oral in Week 5. Do note that P3 and 4 EL and MT oral will be conducted during curriculum time from 9-12 Oct while the P5 Oral will be after school on 9 and 12 October 2023. 

Do note that the deployment is subject to changes based on school needs. Please read the document carefully and alert Li Shan, NAT or me if your name is left out or there is a conflict.


Thank you!

9 and 12 Oct P5 EYE Oral Deployment 2023.docx
P5 EYE Oral Floor Plan.pdf
P5 EYE Oral Planning.xlsx

Outstanding Contribution Award 2023

By:   Chor Kheng 

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event:  11 October

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


The Outstanding Contribution Award (OCA) is an annual exercise to commend and reward individual staff and teams who demonstrate excellence in their work. The OCA aims to promote recognition, respect and appreciation of the staff and promote quality teaching, work processes and enhance staff professionalism.


Who are eligible for the OCA?

EOs, CAJTs, SENOs, Counsellors, EAS, ICT executive.


Who are not eligible for the OCA?

FAJTs, relief teachers, DEs, librarian, contract cleaners, security guards, and temporary staff hired directly by the school are also not eligible for the OCA.


There are 2 categories of the award:

1)    Individual Award

2)    Team Award


2022 Individual Award Winners: Elizabeth Lee, Isabelle and Nurul Hidayah

2022 Team Award Winners:

1.       CCE VIA

2.       Children’s Day Committee

3.       Floorball CCA

4.       Heritage Committee

5.       Staff Well-Being

6.       Student Well-Being


Nominees for the Individual Award will be evaluated and selected through staff voting based on the following 3 criteria:


1.    Innovation:

How does the staff or the team use innovative and effective initiatives to improve student / staff / organisation outcomes?


2.    Outcomes:

What are the quantitative and/or qualitative outcomes of the initiatives?


3.    School Values:

How does the staff or the team exemplify the school values of Faith, Service, Community?


4.    Teamwork:

How does the team demonstrate a high level of collaboration to achieve the outcomes?


Please send in your nomination(s) via the following link by Wednesday, 11 October 2023.




Thank you!

OCA 2023_Nomination_final

PSLE Updated Timetable for Monday & Tuesday

By:   IPE

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event:  2 & 3 October

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


Please refer to this latest version for your planning next week as this version has captured the latest staff movement. Do note the following:

1) Change in recess timing for P2 & P3 level on Monday

2) 4H (PAL room) & 4I (6H) will remain in their re-allcoated venues for PSLE on Monday.

Thank you!



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.