Staff Bulletin for 2022T1W8

published on Saturday 26 February 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to welcome Rauf, a PE trainee for his practicum. Rauf is an ex-Stephenian and do make him feel welcome when you see him around.

This Wednesday, Catholics celebrate Ash Wednesday, marking the start of the season of Lent. It coincides with Spring, a time of renewal when winter fades away and all things are made new. But in order to enter that newness, we need to exit the winter of our life and repent, or turn over a new leaf through reconciliation, making restitution and forgiveness. For us educators in a mission school, this is also a timely period as we come to the end of Term 1, to reflect on the colleagues and students whom we need to restore our relationships with.

For us teachers, it is a good time to also reflect about the good we are doing for our boys, as well as the good we have failed to do. It is a good time as we come to the end of the term to review how we have been teaching our boys, as well as see if there are boys who need us to reach out to them more. For students, it is also an opportune time for us to work with them to reflect and think about how they are improving, being able to see their own strengths and weaknesses, to acknowledge friendships and conflicts with their peers, and to recognise our own faults and seek forgiveness as well as forgive others.

On the COVID front, we are also currently experiencing more cases as a country and each of us would have known someone affected by the COVID situation. Our numbers in school have also risen sharply, and there is a real possibility of having your class go on HBL for 7 days should the numbers rise too sharply (more than 5 per class), as well as having to relieve other classes. Take heart and do not be too anxious but let's work to support and take care of each other. We will get through this.

Have a restful weekend.

Believe and Serve,

Timothy Goh

Notice for Term 1 Assessment Deadlines 2022

By: Lim Meng Thong and Irene Ng

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: End of Term 1 / Start of Term 2

Deadline to Note: Refer to attached document

Information Details:

Refer to attached document

Notice for Term 1 Assessment Deadlines 2022.pdf

Stephenian Samaritans Pack (SSs Pack)


Relevant Levels: Nil

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Every first Saturday of the month

Deadline to Note: Every last Friday of the month

Information Details: Dear teachers,

Partnering Hao Ren Hao Shi, we will be having our March run of the monthly staff VIA programme on 5 March 2022. We would like to invite Stephenian Samaritans, YOU, to help pack into sets (about 25-30 items, 2 plastic bags per recipient) for pupils under the FAS, OSOs and cleaners.

Thank you, Lee Lian, Chrispian, See Ting, Tse See , Belle and Mr Chew for the February run!

The next session is on 5 March 2022, 10 am to 1230 pm and we will be packing 40 sets.

We currently have 4 staff who have signed up for March and we are hoping for 8 teachers per run. Looking forward to more staff joining in this meaningful project!

Stephenian Samaritans Pack Teachers' Schedule

Assembly Programme -Go Safe Online

By: CCE + Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 28 February 2021

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

Dear FTs, please join the Zoom session next Monday during assembly.

Meeting ID: 867 4649 7351

Passcode: 496665

There will be an SLS lesson assigned to the P2 to P6 boys from 28 February to 7 March 2022.

Additionally, P5s will be receiving a booklet after the assembly, Cyber Safety - The Interactive Handbook, from the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore. The booklets are placed in your class pigeonholes.

Ash Wednesday Mass 2022

By: CCE - Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6 Catechism

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 2 March 2022, 1200-1330

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details: Lessons from 1200 to 1330 will be suspended on 2 March 2022. Boys will go to their Ethics and Catechism classes. Mass will begin at 1215 via Zoom for Catechism classes while Ethics classes will have lessons in class. Please refer to the excel for teachers' deployment during that time and do arrange with the teacher partner in the class if you need a break.

Catechism class (in purple), please join the zoom below:

Meeting ID: 884 4081 2329

Passcode: SSS

Ethics Classes, please conduct the SLS lesson shared with you, titled:

P1 2 March 2022 - Ash Wednesday Lesson for Boys Taking Ethics

P2 to P6 2 March 2022 - Ash Wednesday Lesson for Boys Taking Ethics

Ash Wednesday Deployment

HBL (9 March to 11 March 2022)

By: Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: HBL (9 March to 11 March 2022 )

Deadline to Note: 1 March 2022

Information Details:

  1. Home Based Learning (HBL) will be conducted for Primary 1 to Primary 6 students from 9 March (Wednesday) to 11 March (Friday) , ie during eMTP days and Lasallian Training Day.

Please note the following:

HBL Subject Schedule

Dates : 9 March (Wed) 10 March (Thurs) 11 March (Fri)


Maths Maths Maths


P3 to P6 EL EL EL

Maths Maths Maths


Science Science Science

  1. The subject teachers are to prepare and assign HBL lesson/s or at

SLS to the class/es that they are teaching.

You are to prepare a lesson for every subject and class that you teach

in the level for the HBL days.

For all hardcopy written work given, students will hand in the completed work to their subject teachers when the school reopens on 21 March.

Give less SLS based activities to reduce the stress on our parents with

regards to ICT SLS aspects.

Reminders when assigning HBL lessons at SLS :

2.1 All lesson instructions for online and offline activities (if any) are to be

communicated to students at SLS platform.

P1 and P2 subject teachers to communicate on daily HBL instructions at SLS and Class Dojo.

You may use other resources e.g. e-zhishi, etc, include instructions for

students to access the e-zhishi URL at SLS.

2.2 The naming for the SLS lessons is as follows :

Date_Class_Subject_Title of Lesson


10 March_P4A_Maths_Whole Numbers (Revision)

10 March_ P5G_EL_ Comprehension OE

2.3 Schedule all lessons, start time: 6 pm the day before HBL day and

end time : two days from the HBL day.

For example, 4A Maths SLS lesson for 10 March 2022, assign to 4A

pupils at SLS

start time :6 pm on 9 March 2022 and

end time :11.59 pm on 11 March 2022.

2.4 Subject teachers are to assign the SLS lessons to all students in their

teaching classes.

Include students on LOA as well as students absent from school for

other reasons.

2.5 Subject Teachers are to monitor the lesson progress for all their students

at the SLS Portal.

If students do not complete their SLS lessons, do the necessary follow-

up eg contact students/parents etc.

Inform your level’s YH/AHY the names of students who did not complete

work at SLS given for 2 consecutive days of HBL.

2.6 Reminder to include subject IP Heads and Year Head/Asst Year Head for

the Level as co-teachers to your teaching classes,

For MT, teachers are to add the following staff as co-teacher

MT CL classes – Yiqun, Li Shan

MT ML classes – Norhazli

MT TL classes – Mrs Sandran & Hema

2.7 For any SLS account matters, approach any SLS coordinators :

Siddiq, Rosshini, Yiqun, and Murni

2.8 For SLS lesson content during the HBL, approach the respective IP heads.

3. Do find out from your class if you have students who need to loan computer for the HBL. Do inform YH/AYH for your level by 1 March 2022.

These students should include those who

i. are from household without computing devices suitable for HBL

ii. have to share computing devices with household members

iii. students without internet access at home

Siddiq/Nirroshini will follow up with the computer loan to the student.

His parent will have to come to school to sign the computer loan forms.

SSS HBL Guide (9 March to 11 March 2022)..pdf

Student WB Newsletter: February

By: Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: P1 to P2

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details: Read on to find out about Classroom Accommodations. Click the links to explore additional information on what accommodations you can do to help students with ADHD and Dyslexia!

February Newsletter

Supporting Students with SEN: Are you ready?

By: Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: NA

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 2 March 2022

Deadline to Note: 1 March 2022 (5 p.m.)

Information Details:

Dear colleagues, in preparation for the upcoming Staff Professional Development on SEN, please click here to complete the Self-Reflection Questionnaire by Tuesday, 1 March. We wish to understand your perceptions and readiness in supporting students with SEN. Your responses are greatly appreciated by the team!

Details for Staff Professional Development

Topic: Supporting Students with SEN

Time: Mar 2, 2022 02:45 PM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 835 7340 7330

Passcode: SenPD