Published on Monday 1 January 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T1W1

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and may your 2024 be filled with every Grace and Blessing. As we begin the new year, I wish you every success with your boys as we focus on building a culture of care and a culture of learning. As we slowly ease in to the new academic year, let's not rush to start teaching but spend the time to organise and train the boys to effectively put in place our routines and expectations. 

We teach who we are.

~Parker Palmer

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Primary 1 First Day of School 2024

By:  Amelia

Relevant Levels:  All

Date and Time of Event:  2 January 2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


I have attached the Programme Overview and Duty List. Please spend some time to look through your roles before 2 January 2024. Do note that there may be changes on the day itself. Any updates will be sent via school handphone on the morning itself.


Thank you very much for your help.

Programme Overview and Duty List.pdf
Start Right Programme 2024 for teachers' briefing.pptx
Week 1 School Schedule_2024_30 dec.xlsx
Start Right Programme 2024 for teachers' briefing.pptx
Week 1 School Schedule_2024_30 dec.xlsx
Start Right Programme 2024 for teachers' briefing.pptx
Week 1 School Schedule_2024_30 dec.xlsx


By:  SDT team

Relevant Levels:  All levels

Date and Time of Event:  3 to 5 Jan (Wednesday to Friday)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

As we start 2024, we need to remember the importance of starting right by getting our procedures and routines robust for good classroom management for the rest of the year. Week 1 timetable has been suspended to help us achieve that and also address other important work such as character building and values inculcation.  

Please find the Start Right slides which provides an overview of the structure and the components.  We have introduced "Knowing Our Heritage" to bring our boys back to our roots as a Lasallian school. We will be doing our Back to School Check-in via Stephenian Circle which is explained in the slides.

Do find Week 1 timetable attached and note that all teaching and learning resources for Start Right will be parked in s drive/ level folder/ 2024/Start Right.

Zoom details during Start Right Days

1) Morning assembly:

Meeting ID: 965 658 6196

Password: Assembly

2) Discipline and Safety Talk 

Meeting ID: 895 6320 4011

Password: StartRight

Thank you and have a nice weekend.

Start Right Programme 2024 for teachers' briefing.pptx
Week 1 School Schedule_2024_30 dec.xlsx

28 December Staff Meeting Slides

By:  VP

Relevant Levels:  -

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details:  -

Dear everyone,

Please see the relevant slides shared at our 28 December Staff Meeting:

1) P's Time

2) Routines & Procedures

Do note that the Code of Professional Conduct shared by P is a restricted document and not to be shared by public. It is viewable via link in the Staff Handbook.

This is the general link to our Staff Handbook:

(Viewable after ICON email login)

Thank you!


Staff Meeting 28 Dec 2023.pdf
Classroom Routines & Procedures_ 2024.pptx.pdf


By:  Discipline Committee

Relevant Levels:  

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Discipline is a core component for effective teaching and learning. Thus,it is important we know its meaning.

The root word 'discipline' is 'disciple' .  It comes from the Latin word 'discipulus' meaning student. 

The word 'discipline' is the Latin word 'disciplina' which means to study/learn. 

To develop our boys holistically, we need to teach, be consistent and ourselves,role model good behaviour. It is not just about actions and consequences. 

Every staff needs to understand and adhere to a consistent set of disciplinary measures so that there wont be comparison and unfairness.

For a start, the Level Disciplinary representative will take time during the upcoming Wednesday Level meeting (3 January) to go through with you the school disciplinary reporting form and guidelines.

Let me introduce the 2024 Level Disciplinary Representatives to you.

P1: Ms Tan Tse See , P2: Mrs Fiona Wong

P3: Mr Tan Yi Ru , P4: Mr Abdul Rauf

P5: Mdm Rozita , P6: Mdm Huang Jie

As a support structure, P1/P2 Level reps will work as a pair to oversee Lower Primary discipline issues. Same goes for P3/P4 Level reps to oversee Middle Primary discipline issues and P5/P6 Level reps to oversee Upper Primary discipline issues.

Attached is the Discipline Management Process document that was shared during Staff meeting.

Disciplining the boys is everyone's responsibility. It is not a situation when things happened, report submitted, the follow through of the cases becomes the discipline representative's responsibility. The disciplinary representatives will be around to guide and advise you as you follow through with the cases. 

With a positive growth mindset, we can make SSS a school where the boys Enter to Learn and Leave to Serve. 

Have a great 2024.


Thank you.

Discipline Management Process Dec 2023.docx

Safety Duty, Attendance/Temperature Taking exercise (ATTEx), Emergency Preparedness

By:  Safety Committee

Relevant Levels:  All

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Attached is a set of slides pertaining to Term 1 Safety Duty, Temperature-taking Exercise ,Emergency Preparedness Exercises for the year and also Term 1 Safety Duty list.

Safety Duty

As mentioned by Mdm Irene during Staff meeting, you can also retrieve the same safety duty list in :S:\@Staff Management\TIMETABLE 2024\2024 TERM 1 TIMETABLE FOR STAFF

All safety duties except afternoon dismissal are reflected in your personal timetable.Please look through the deployment list and alert Sheikh if the deployment differs from the one in your personal timetable. This safety duty will officially start in Week 2.

Attendance and Temperature-taking

The first Attendance and Temperature-taking exercise (ATTex) for the year will be conducted in Term 1 Week 2, Wednesday (10 Jan) in class. All Level teachers,except P1, are to inform and remind the pupils to have a working thermometer for the exercise. Emphasis habit 1 (Be Proactive) onto the pupils. 

P1 pupils will receive  a thermometer from school.

More information on this exercise will be sent out to the staff in the next bulletin.

Emergency Preparedness Exercises

There will be 2 Emergency Preparedness Exercises in 2024

1) Evacuation to an internal assembly area (Term 1) 

2) Evacuation to an external holding area (Term 3)

Thank you.


Safety 2024.pptx
Term 1 Safety Duty List 2024 27 Dec.doc

Term 1 Timetables

By:  Timetabling Team

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  2024

Information Details: 

Dear all,

The attached documents are updated as of 29 December. Please take note of the changes in your preparation of Connection Letters, Class and Personal Timetables.

As for the Class & Personal Timetables, we will let them run for a week (8 Jan to 12 Jan), if there are any clashes or issues, please inform me as soon as possible.

If you do have further queries or concerns regarding the timetables, please do see me personally.

Thank you for your hard work and wishing us all a good year ahead.

Happy New Year in advance!


2024 TT (UPDATED 29 DEC).xlsx
2024 TERM 1 TT UPDATED 29 DEC 2023-Teachers.xlsx
2024 TERM 1 TT UPDATED 29 DEC 2023-Classes.xlsx
2024 TERM 1 TT UPDATED 29 DEC 2023-Resources.xlsx
Timetable 2024 - Briefing for Staff (UPDATED 29 DEC 2023).pdf

Relief Matters

By:  Relief Timetabling Team 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Attached is the SOP for relief matters. Do take some time to read through the SOP. Kindly note the personnel to be informed and the steps required to take when you require relief. 

Thank you.

SOP for Relief Matters for Staff

Daily Morning Assembly

By:  SDT

Relevant Levels:  All

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will continue to have one or two Levels in the hall for morning assembly while the rest zoom from the classrooms.

The zoom details for daily morning flag-raising assembly is the same as 2023.

Meeting ID: 965 658 6196

Password: Assembly

Follow the assembly arrangement that has been planned by the SDT team for Week 1 (Start Right)

This will be the morning assembly Level schedule from Week 2 onwards.

Monday: Primary 3 and 4

Tuesday: Primary 1 and 2

Wednesday: Primary 5

Friday: Primary  6

Attached is the seating plan in the hall for morning assembly.

Thank you!

Hall Seating Plan 2024 Week 2 onwards.xlsx

Class Dojo Standardization SOP 2024

By:  Murni, Yasotha & Hidayah

Relevant Levels:  All Teaching Stff

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear Teachers,

                        Please read the attached slides on Class Dojo Standarization SOP 2024. As mentioned during Staff Meet, Class Dojo will be populated with 2024 classes. FTs, please be reminded to add any new students in the class and send invite to their parents. 

Messages posted at Class Story can be viewed by all teachers in the class. If you  have any queries, please approach us. 


Thank you!

Class Dojo 2024 (28 Dec).pptx

Staff Professional Development

By:  Chor Kheng

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

The attached document reflects dates for professional development, level meetings, festive celebrations and staff bonding activities on Wednesdays. 

Subject meetings for all teachers teaching English and Mathematics on Thursdays have also been included. 

The dates have been updated in staff google calendar. Subsequent changes will be updated in google calendar too. 

Thank you.

Staff Schedule_ 2024_26 Dec presentation

School Calendar

By:  VP

Relevant Levels:  -

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: -

Dear Everyone,

The School Master Calendar has been updated, please continue to access the Calendar at the same link.

    For our new colleagues, this is the link, you need to login to ICON email first before accessig it.

Many Cheers!

Thank you!

Reporting Structure 2024

By:  VP

Relevant Levels:  -

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details:  -

Dear everyone,

 Please see the 2024 RO-JH Reporting Structure in the PDF.

Do note that there are changes, due to KP appointments and movements.

1) Coloured = change in ROship

2) For ROs on course, they will continue to be the RO while away, and JHs can approach the other Dept KPs or VP if you need advice or help.

3) Bracketed = planned changes in Semester 2 due to RO KP movement.

Thank you!


2024 Reporting Structure.pdf


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.