Staff Bulletin for 2021T4W2

published on Saturday 18 September 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

As we start to reflect on the quote of the week ("early to bed, early to rise....") with the boys in week 1, let us also begin to think about our well-being holistically, our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In our busy lives where we wear many hats as teacher, parent, child, friend, member of community groups etc, and we try our best to meet our responsibilities and give of ourselves, let us take time to centre ourselves and focus on resting. Let's start with resting properly, especially getting enough good sleep, and taking off the worries that that pre-occupy our minds and hearts. I leave you with this quote:

Take a rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.


Discipline - Setting the Tone & Expectations

By: Yasmin Angullia

For: All

Date: NA

Deadline: NA


Dear Colleagues,

As we embark on our last leg of the school term for 2021, you would know that we will continue to face many difficult situations and challenges ahead.

In terms of Discipline, we will continue to pull our resources together, as a school, to support our children. The Tier 3 (select group of high needs) cases have reduced in number and are being supported by the CMT team as well as the FTs/ Subject teachers, Counsellors and Discipline members. A big thank you to all staff for supporting these boys tirelessly.

Moving forward, my focus this term for Discipline is really to look at the Tier 1 children (the main student body) in terms of the tone setting in class and the expectations set in their daily routines.

Reports in our Discipline portal show an increasing number of boys who are persistently disruptive, not doing work and defiant. Our biggest areas of concern are in the following categories:

1. Highly disruptive in class;

2. Defiant to teachers and challenging them;

3. Non-submission of homework / schoolwork;

4. Bullying in the form of name calling;

5. Use of inappropriate language; and

6. Bringing prohibited/ weapon-like items which are further distractions and dangerous to themselves and others.

Please continue the discipline reporting for discipline cases as we do not condone acts that impede the teaching and learning in classrooms. We will take them to task if repeated reminders and engagement with parents have been carried out and support has been given.

At a glance, the cases reported in Term 3 is shown in the attached slides.

You will notice more offences are being committed in the upper primary pertaining to misbehaviour in classrooms, disruptions and defiance. Many also do not hand in work and not taking their learning seriously. We will have to establish underlying reasons and provide the necessary and appropriate intervention for them. Do approach Discipline Comm or YHs to have further discussions if you feel more needs to be done for such boys. Consequences would not be the means to an end for the boys if they have other home or personal challenges.

Do ensure our morning routines are adhered to within your class:

1. Tokens – all students to have their token with them;

2. Attire – to look smart and sharp at all times with proper white socks, shoes and name-tags;

3. Masks – must be worn at all times;

4. Greet – a culture of greeting one another, including peers and staff;

5. Temperature – to have a working thermometer and have their temperature recorded daily;

6. Reading – to read and enjoy that few minutes of self-learn, enriching their knowledge and growth;

7. Seated – fixed seating and no inter-mingling;

Do feel free to approach me or the Disc Reps if you need any help. Enjoy the good tips below:

Have a good term ahead! Jia you!


Bulletin_Number of Cases Reported in Term 3.pptx

Class Committee Appointments

By: Yasmin

For: All

Date: NA

Deadline: NA


Dear Colleagues,

Our Class Committee structure has been revised and aligned to ensure consistency across the levels in our school.

The roles and responsibilities of the Class Committee members have also been looked into and both Lee Lian and Haslindah have worked on its revised structure and appointments. Students appointed have undergone the skills training via SLS.

While we recognize that this is a start to improve our leadership journey in SSS, we also know that there are lots more that can be done. We will continue to look into the refinements of the appointments, their roles and how we can deepen their skillsets as leaders in the classroom to support the teachers.

The main objective in the Class Committee appointments is to allow our students the opportunity to lead in their capacity as leaders and be the role models to their peers. While our goal is to have every Stephenian be a leader as they progress in their primary school education, it also does not mean we should appoint them just to make the numbers. Some may be more ready than others. Some may need more time. This is perfectly fine.

Our duty therefore as teachers will be to guide, develop and empower them to be independent leaders, to achieve their fullest potential as a Stephenian Gentleman and a Servant Leader. We will give them a longer runway for them to grow into their new roles and hone their skills in this leadership journey.

I enclose the Leadership Framework @ SSS for everyone's information.



Leadership Badges.pptx

CCA Matters

By: Jansher Khan

For: CCA Teachers

Date: NA

Deadline: Please refer below for each point

Information: Dear CCA Teachers

1) Please print out a copy of your CCA schedule and pin it to the CCA board for students to refer to. (Deadline Tuesday, 21 Sept)

2) Reminder to put up details of your e-CCA sessions on SLS (dates, zoom id etc) by latest 24 hours before each session.

3) There will be FGD sessions by Stephen and/or Jansher conducted for each CCA. 5 students from each CCA will take part in the FGD (2-3 students for CCAs with smaller numbers). Students selected from the FGD should be varied (different age groups, grouping, leadership and non-leadership role). *Please do not prep students for authentic feedback to be given, allowing us to maintain our good practices as well as realise our area for growth to continually improve Stephenian CCA experiences.

For e-CCA period, please set an additional breakout room for FGD to be conducted between selected students and Stephen/Jansher. Should CCA resume back to F2F, FGD will be conducted in school with the selected students. Please refer to the attached document for the schedule.

CCA FGD Schedule.pdf

Student Achievements & Leadership

By: Jansher Khan

For: All teachers


Deadline: 29 September 2021

Information: Dear Teachers,

Please key in students achievement and leadership domains for all levels into the school cockpit for events already completed. This will be used for considerations for awards (eg: EAGLES etc).

For CCA teachers, please key in for CCA 1) captains/leaders and 2) achievements for the other levels such as those in the Junior Category (P6 data has already been recorded). The data required in school cockpit includes students who would otherwise represent the school for competition if not for the cancellation due to the pandemic. This includes but is not limited to National School Games and SYF. Please record their involvement under the category "Represented School at Local Event under Special Provision". Refer to file attached for the steps.

If events that students are involved in will only occur after 29 September, there is no need to input it to school cockpit yet until after the event has been completed.

Keying in Achievement Data for Special Provision 2021.pdf

Heritage Explorers Programme


For: P1 to P6 FTs

Date: 30 July to 16 September

Deadline: 24 September

Information: Dear FTs, please collect the booklets from your pupils and pass them to the following teachers by 24 September: If there are still students who really want to do it and need more them, completed booklets must be handed in by 24 September.

P1 and P2 to Rynda

P3 and P4 to Hong Ying

P5 and P6 to Danielle

P1 to P5 HBL from 27 September to 6 October (National, MOE-declared)

This is an add-on announcement after the 1st publishing of this issue of the Staff Bulletin.

MOE has just sent out (18 Sept Saturday 9:35am) PG Announcement to all parents on the P1 to P5 HBL during the PSLE Study Break and PSLE itself, from 27 September to 6 October, as also briefed by P to all yesterday. Do prepare ahead according to the plans discussed in our respective departments. Doing our part for our national defence against COVID-19. #fighting!

Link to Press Release: