Published on Saturday 8 July 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T3W3

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to week 3 where the P3s will be having their Science Practicals, the P4 will be going out for their LJs, the P5s will be going for the NE Show, and we will be having our class and staff photo taking.

Here's a short story as we begin the week:

Some best friends decided to have their alumni get together at the residence of their favorite professor and mentor. It was quite a happy moment not only for the professor; but also for the friends who were meeting after a long time. Everyone was trying to find out how their friends' lives turned out after leaving college. A few became leaders in the corporate world, while others got rich in the business world, and others had regular jobs. All of them had gotten married and had wonderful families. Everyone had their own achievements and milestones. Everyone was happily engaged in conversation but somehow the conversation soon shifted to complaints about work, relationships, ‘stress‘ & ‘tension’ in life.

The professor offered them coffee and went to the kitchen to ask his wife to prepare coffee for all his students. His wife came with coffee in different kinds of cups: crystal cups, glass cups, ceramic cups, shining ones, some plain looking, some ordinary, some exquisite and some expensive ones. She apologised that she did not have enough cups for such a large group and had to serve the coffee in different cups.

Everyone helped themselves to a cup and when all of them had a cup in hand, the professor said, “If you noticed, all the nice looking and expensive cups are taken, leaving behind the ordinary, simple and cheap ones!" It was a surprising moment, as nobody noticed that there were extra cups of coffee and nobody took the ordinary cups that were left on the serving tray. The professor continued, “Every one of you wanted the best cups. While it is, of course, normal for you to want the best for yourselves, that can also be the source of much of your dissatisfaction, problems and stress and tension in life.”

All the friends gave the professor confused looks; they could not understand the connection between their chosen coffee cup and the stress and tension of life. The professor explained after seeing their curious face, “Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases, it is just more expensive; and in some cases, it even hides what we drink. What you really wanted was coffee, not the cup! But you consciously went for the best cups… and then you began eyeing each other’s cups. Always remember that life is like coffee, and jobs, money, status or position in society are the cups! They are just tools to hold and contain life. The type of cup we have does not define or change the quality of life we live. Please don’t let the cup drive you. Enjoy the coffee!”

Follow the inspirations that come to you from God. 

~ St John Baptist de La Salle

Enjoy your cuppa this week!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Class Committee Sem 2

By: CCE - Student Leadership Team (Elias)    

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: Term 3  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Some main points for semester 2 with regards to class committee matters.

1. Changing of Class Committee Roles

Should there be a need to change your class committee roles, do ensure that the student has been "Approaching Expectations" for both terms 1 and 2.

Please inform the student's parent of the change and the reason for it angled towards having a more "suitable" role for the student instead.
Please update the "Class Committee Confirmed Roles" under the new column for the changed roles. 

2. Assigning of Class Committee Training Slides

Should you have any students who have a change in class committee role, please assign an SLS assignment to them with the attached slides for their knowledge and virtual training.

You may locate the various training slides here: 

Thank you!

Class Committee Confirmed Roles 2023

Stephenian Circle in Semester 2 

By: YH / CCE team     

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event: CCE (FTGP) periods

Information Details: 

Dear Form Teachers,

We hope you are truly inspired by the success stories of our fellow teachers who have conducted Stephenian Circle in their creative ways!

Do remember to take some pictures of your class in action during Stephenian Circle and upload it via the QR code or link in the attached image. In the caption, share with us your response from the guiding questions. We are excited to receive all your photos with exciting captions!

Wishing you a great bonding time with your pupils through Stephenian Circle!


Plans for Stephenian Circle in Semester 2 

Safety Talk on Monday Assembly

By:     Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   10 July 2023, 1 pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

There is an afternoon Safety Assembly Talk on Monday. (10 July)

Do log on to the zoom session from 12.50 pm so that we can start promptly at 1 pm.

Below are the zoom details:

Topic: Safety Assembly Talk 10 July

Time: Jul 10, 2023 12:50 PM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 9434 6902

Passcode: Safety

Thank you!

Class & Staff Photo-taking

By: Mrs Sandran on behalf of the Communications Committee 

Relevant Levels: All levels/Staff

Date and Time of Event:  11 July or 12 July (Pupils), 12 July (Staff)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues, 

The class photography sessions will be taking place in the school hall for

A PG announcement was sent to all parents on 6 July to inform them of the sessions.

All pupils must be in their school uniform and school tie with neat and presentable haircuts for the session. Please be informed that there will not be any make up session for absentees.

Please remind your pupils to bring their school uniforms and ties to change into if they are having PE lessons on the day of their photo-taking session.

The staff group and department photography session will take place on 12 July at 2 pm in the school hall. Please be dressed in formal wear. Male teachers are to put on their school ties. Similar to last year, KPs are to decide on how they would like their respective departments to be photographed, e.g. pose, formation, colour theme, etc.

Thank you.

Class Photo-taking 2023 (1).xlsx

Class Photo-taking Schedule

Racial Harmony Day 2023

By:     CCE

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   17 - 21 July 2023

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

The theme for Racial Harmony Day this year is ‘Singapore: Our Multicultural Mosaic’. It focuses on the appreciation of the diverse races and religions that make up our multicultural society, which contribute to our shared sense of cohesion and harmony.

We will be commemorating Racial Harmony Day in Term 3 Week 4 (17– 21 July). During Assembly, CCE (MTL) Lessons, CCE (FTGP) and recess activities. There will also be a "A Day With Your Neighbour" competition on SLS! Pupils can submit a description of an activity (together with photos and videos) of them spending time with neighbour(s) of a difference race.

When the Kindsville Times and A-OK Booklets arrive, we will inform you. In the meantime, the softcopies can be found at

P4 Form Teachers, each class would receive eight A4 sized class posters for P4 CCE (FTGP) lesson, Harmony Begins with Me. You may find the softcopies of the posters in our sharing folder: S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\CCE (FTGP)\CCE (FTGP) Lessons\2023\Primary 4\Term 3\Orange Ribbon

On 21 July 2023, Racial Harmony Day, please come in ethnic attire!

Let’s work together to help our Stephenians to apply the theme in their lives, explore what it means to strengthen connection amongst communities, and take action to preserve racial harmony in Singapore.

Thank you!

RHD in Primary CCE Lessons.pdf

P4 Learning Journey Semester 2

By:     P4 YH, Social Studies Team & Science Dept

Relevant Levels:   All Staff to Note

Date and Time of Event:   13 & 14 July (Thursday & Friday)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note that the Primary 4 boys are going on 2 Learning Journeys on 13 & 14 July (Thursday & Friday).  As such Time-table is suspended for the P4 level on both days.   Please find the deployment for the accompanying teachers (mostly FTs & Co-FTs) attached.

Thank you.

Sem_2_P4 Learning Journey Sem Deployment.xlsx

7Hs Sharpen Our Saw: The Unexpected Teacher

By:     Edwin

Relevant Levels:   -

Date and Time of Event:   -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone, 

This is a nice video about the many facets, inspirations, experiences and students whom we as teachers shape and who/which also shape us.

As we get into the busier Term 3, may we be constantly refreshed and never to forget what first called us into teaching, and the many diamonds and sparkles that have made our teaching journey the best it always has been and always will continue to be! Enjoy!

Many cheers,



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.