Staff Bulletin 2022T3W10

published on Sunday 28 August 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We have reached the end of Term 3 and what a fitting way to end with Teacher's Day. This year’s Teacher’s Day will also be special because we will also be celebrating our 65th Anniversary with a Mass as well as re-open our Heritage Gallery with our Guest of Honour, ex-Stephenian and current Member of Parliament and Asst Secretary General of NTUC, Mr Patrick Tay. We decided to celebrate the 65th Anniversary after the SMM were lifted but as our schedule was already quite tight, we decided to plan a 3-in-1 celebration. I want to thank everyone for your contribution to the development of the Heritage Gallery, and through the process, I now have an even deeper understanding of the rich legacy of the history of the school. Here is a sneak peak at our Virtual Heritage Gallery which is still going through it's finishing touches. I am also looking forward to our own Teacher's Day lunch at Malayan Council after the morning's festivities.

Trying as some of our boys may have been in the course of the year, as we pause to celebrate Teacher's Day and rest during the, September holidays, here's a short story from an author who has inspired me a lot in my life:

A man who took great pride in his beautiful lawn found himself with a large crop of dandelions. He tried every method he knew to get rid of them. Still they plagued him.

Finally, he wrote the Department of Agriculture. He enumerated all the things he had tried and closed his letter with the question: “What shall I do now?”

In due course the reply came: “We suggest you learn to love them.”

~ Antony De Mello, Song of the Bird

Have a great week ahead!

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving!

Timothy Goh

Notice of T3 Assessment deadlines

By: Lim Meng Thong and Irene Ng

Relevant Levels: All levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Notice of T3 Assessment deadlines

Information Details: See attached document and email

Notice for Term 3 Assessment Deadlines 2022 (26 August).pdf

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

By: MT Department

Relevant Levels: All Staff and Students

Date of Event/Programme/Item:

29 August, Mon (Assembly Programme)

30 - 31 August, Tue & Wed (Recess Activities)

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We will be commemorating the Mid-Autumn Festival as a school on 29 August. Details of the Assembly zoom are as follows:

Topic: 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration, MTF and WLOS

Time: Aug 29, 2022 12:30 PM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 853 1509 6225

Passcode: MAFC

For an overview of all activities planned, please refer to the slide attached.

Happy Mid-Autumn to all!

Mid-Autumn Festival - Info to Staff

National Day Read Campaign (myON digital books platform)

By: Charlene

Relevant Levels: All (all subjects too)

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 9 August to 9 October 2022

Information Details:

(Email on Outlook has been sent on 23 August 2022)

To celebrate National Day, myON Books and myON News will be made available FREE for 2 months from 9 Aug to 9 Oct 2022 to all schools in Singapore. It is a good opportunity for all students to engage in reading widely for FREE.

Here is the link to myON National Day Read Campaign

For this free limited access version, during login, for the School Name field, try clicking on the empty school name field, a ‘Read on World’ option should show up on the dropdown list. If it doesn’t show up by clicking, try typing in ‘Read on World'.


Password: pw1234

Do encourage your class to make use of the free platform to read, especially during the coming break. This is one of the reading platforms we are considering paying for to encourage our pupils to read widely.

Let us know what you think about this platform as well!

NDP Outreach Bags

By: CCE Department

Relevant Levels: P1 to P4 and P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 29 August 2022

Information Details: Dear Form Teachers, the school has managed to get leftover NDP Outreach Tote Bags for our boys. Mr Lum and team will be packing and leaving them in your classrooms by Monday morning. Please give them out on Monday during FTGP.

65th Anniversary & Teachers' Day Celebrations Deployment


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 1 September 2022

Information Details: Dear teachers, please refer to the Google Sheet for deployment for that morning. Tab 1 for hall and classrooms and Tab 2 for communion during the Mass. Do note that there might be slight changes on that day due to teachers who need to be away. The final deployment will be shared by the relief team that morning.

Teachers' Deployment for 1 September 2022

Primary 1 VIA Programme: Let's ReSSSycle


Relevant Levels: Primary 1

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Sept Holiday and Term 4

Information Details:

Our Primary 1 and 2 pupils have kick-started their VIA programme this term and will continue in Term 4. Please read through the details in the slides for more information.

Primary 1 - Let's ReSSSycle

Primary 1 VIA programme will run throughout the September Holidays up until T4W2. A recorded presentation will be shown to them during an FTGP period in T3W10.

It comprises of two parts, Recycling at Home and Recycling at School which will be done during the holidays and in Term 4 respectively.

This programme aims to introduce them to the idea of recycling and hopefully they will be able to cultivate and practise this habit at home and in school. After going through the programme, teachers on recess duty can also encourage students to rinse their empty single-use bottles to recycle.

Watch the video in the slides to see how Mr Izzu recycle at home!

Copy of P1 Signature VIA Programme

Primary 1 VIA: Let's ReSSSycle

Primary 2 VIA Programme: My Secret Care Friend (Understanding My Friends)


Relevant Levels: Primary 2

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 3 and Term 4

Information Details:

Primary 2 - Secret Care Friend

From T3W8 onwards, P2 boys have done their first part of VIA programme (Understanding My Friends) during CCE (FTGP).

This programme focuses on introducing them to the idea that we can be different in many ways and yet be similar in many other ways too.

P2 FTs have taken photos of pupils in action and/or completed work. Please submit them in the drive below by the end of Term 3 Week 10:

We will carry out the next part of the project in Term 4 Week 2.

P2 FTs will receive these materials (Origami papers and post reflection worksheets) by 29 August 2022. Do give out the origami papers to students by 31 August and remind them to complete a SLS lesson over the September holidays.

In the SLS lesson, the boys will learn to fold an origami heart. They will need to gift the origami heart to their secret care friend in T4W2. For this activity, FTs please help to take photos of pupils and submit them to the drive too.

Thank you all Primary 1 and 2 teachers in supporting our pupils in their VIA programmes.

P2 VIA Info.pptx

PSLE LC Ist Briefing

By: IPEs & CPE (Mdm Belle Taw, Mr Sheikh & Mdm Herdawati)

Relevant Levels: All Levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 31 August 2022, Wednesday

Information Details:

Dear colleagues, on 31 August, we are to conduct our PSLE LC Briefing to all staff including invigilators and all appointed Exam Personnel. Do note that the main focus will be to provide:

1) Overview of the LC exam

2) Scope & duties of exam personnel

3) Logistical preparation leading to the PSLE LC exam on 16 September 2022

Date: 31 August, Wednesday

Time: 2:15pm to 3:45pm

Venue: Library

Note: For staff who will be missing the briefing, do alert Belle or Sheikh as we will arrange for make-up briefing.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.