Staff Bulletin for 2021T4W1

published on Saturday 11 September 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to Term 4 and I hope you had a restful September holidays. In Term 4, we will emphasise the Well-Being part of our positive education effort in GROW. As we gear up for the last stretch of the year, let us also check on the well-being of the boys and colleagues when we all return to school next week.

In spite of the anxiety we may have with the ever-changing pandemic, maybe this week, let us strive to do at least an act of love or kindness for one student or colleague. I leave you with this quote:

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

-Mother Teresa

Peer Coaching

By: Teacher Leaders Committee

For: All Teachers

Date: On-going (Term 3 Week 1 to Term 4 Week 4)

Deadline: Term 4 Week 4


A gentle reminder for peer coaches who have yet to complete their peer coaching to do so by Term 4 Week 4.

Should you require guidance or clarification, you may approach Annie, Cherlyn, Ka Bee, Puwen or Timothy.

If your timetable clashes with your peer coachee's, you may consider asking your coachee to have his/her lesson video-recorded. Should you require the support from ICT department, you would need to submit the ICT request form via this link:

Alternatively, you may approach Annie for other solutions.

Student WB Newsletter: September

By: Student Well-Being Department

For: P1 to P6

Date: NA

Deadline: NA

Information: Read on to find out about Peer Support and Relationship (PSR). It aims to promote a Caring and Enabling School Environment. In SSS, Peer Support Leaders have been nominated for Primary 1 and 2 pupils. Click the link to explore additional information too!

September SWB Newsletter.pdf

P6 Mass Before Examinations

By: CCE - Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations

For: P6 pupils

Date: 14 September 2021

Deadline: NA

Information: There will be a P6 Mass Before Exams for all P6 pupils on Tuesday, 14 September 2021 from 0745 to 0830. Mass will be celebrated by Father Gabriel Wong in Parmenie Prayer Room and streamed to the P6 classrooms via Zoom. The boys will stay in their form classes for the mass. Ethics and Catechism teachers will be in the classrooms from 0745 to 0815 followed by MTL teachers from 0815 to 0830 before timetable resumes. Laptops will be placed in the classrooms that morning for the Mass over Zoom.

Meeting ID: 826 0874 9645

Passcode: 140921

Catholic Teachers who are available from 0815 to 0830 may receive communion in Parmenie Prayer Room.

P1 to P6 Term 4 Check-in

By: Year Heads, Student Well-being and CCE

For: P1 to P6 FTs and pupils

Date: 13 September 2021

Deadline: NA

Information: On 27 July 2021, Minister for Education Chan Chun Sing announced in his Ministerial Statement in Parliament that all schools will dedicate time and attention at the start of every school term to check in on the well-being of our students. This is part of continued efforts to strengthen student well-being. To support schools in the implementation of this announcement, please see the resource for us to use during FTGP at the start of Term 4. This will allow us to:

a. check in with students to find out how they are feeling and how they spent their September holidays;

b. have conversations on coping with stress and anxiety, and identify students in need of further support as we move into the examination period; and

c. revisit skills and strategies to manage stress and anxiety.

Start of T4 check-in (Pri 1-5) slides.pptx
Start of T4 check-in (Pri 6) slides.pptx



For: P1 to P6 FTs and pupils

Date: ongoing

Deadline: Term 4 Week 10

Information: FTGP resources for Term 4 can be found in the FTGP Sharing Folder: \\D5015PMOE01\Sharing\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\FTGP & Ethics\FTGP\Teaching Resources\2021

Details for FTGP survey and P1 to P5 ECG activities will be shared at a later date.

Ethics and Catechism

By: CCE - Ethics and Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations

For: P1 to P4 Ethics Teachers, P1 to P6 Catechism Teachers

Date: ongoing

Deadline: Term 4 Week 10

Information: Ethics worksheets for P1 to P4 will be distributed to you in Week 1 and the soft copies can be found in the Ethics Sharing Folder: \\D5015PMOE01\Sharing\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\FTGP & Ethics\Ethics\2021

Catechism SOWs and resources for P1 to P6 have been shared with you in the Catecjhism Google Drive: If you have other resources, please let us know and we will park them in the Google Drive.

Home Based Learning in August and September


For: All teachers

Date: PSLE LC and PSLE Marking days

Deadline: NA

Information: Please note that school leaders have reviewed on HBL during PSLE LC and PSLE Marking days . This year for PSLE LC and PSLE Marking Days, subject teachers will NOT assign SLS lessons to students.

For PSLE LC day, subject teachers may give hardcopy written homework to P1 to P5 students if they wish or allow the boys to catch up with their reading or self-revision.

For PSLE Marking days, as the time would be near the End of Year Examinations, subject teachers will give hardcopy written revision work to P1 to P5 students. Teachers will NOT assign SLS lessons during this period .This is to reduce stress on parents with regards to ICT SLS aspects and our teachers are at PSLE Marking.

Do liase with your IP KPs on the revision resources to be given out during the PSLE Marking days.