Staff Bulletin for 2022T1W4

published on Friday 28 January 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to let everyone know that our School Counsellor Mdm Ong Lee Eng will be leaving the school and her last day will be on 7 February (Friday). We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude for her work helping the students in counselling. We wish her all the very best ahead!

Also, we would like to refer everyone to the email sent yesterday (27 January) "Declaration on Lapsing of “Fully Vaccinated” Status between 14 Feb and 31 Mar 2022".

  • In compliance with Workplace Vaccination Policy for the Public Service, medically eligible (ME) officers who lose their “fully vaccinated” status due to not receiving the booster vaccination within the 270-day vaccination validity period cannot be allowed to return to workplace.

  • ME officers who have taken the last dose of their primary vaccination series before 20 May 2021 will have to take a booster before 14 Feb 2022, to maintain their "fully vaccinated" status when the new requirement comes into effect. To facilitate planning in the first quarter,

  • ME fully vaccinated officers who will lose their “fully vaccinated” status between 14 Feb and 31 Mar 2022 due to not receiving their booster vaccination are required to declare to MOE HR via this FormSG by 4 Feb 2022 (Fri).

With more cases of COVID-19 in the community as we live with COVID, at the school level, we will be nimble and ready for various possible scenarios. This may involve, in the most challenging situations, of redeploying ourselves to stand in for other colleagues, adopting blended modes of lessons, zooming lessons from one class to another, have HBL, and so on. Let us pray and hope for the best, and we will rise to it and help each other as a community to ensure schooling continues for all our boys.

This is the Lunar New Year weekend and some of us are certainly doing our last minute spring cleaning at home. I would like to encourage us all to also do a final spring clean of our classrooms and staffroom before we go off the celebrate the new Tiger Year with great vitality!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Chinese New Year of the Tiger!

Believe and Serve,

Timothy Goh

Student WB Newsletter: January

By: Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details: Read on to find out about Positive Teacher-Student Relationship (TSR). In SSS, as we embrace a Culture of Care, trust between teachers and students is the key of positive TSR. Click the link to explore additional information too!

January Newsletter

Stephenian Samaritans (SSs) Packs


Relevant Levels: NIL

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Every first Saturday of the month

Deadline to Note: Every last Friday of the month

Information Details: Dear colleagues, partnering Hao Ren Hao Shi, we will be having a monthly VIA programme on the first Saturday of every month. Food and household items will be delivered to the school in cartons and Stephenian Samaritans (YOU!) will help pack into sets (about 25-30 items, 2 plastic bags per recipient) for pupils under the FAS and our OSOs. It will be about 3 - 4 hours in the late morning/early afternoon. More definite timeframes will be given closer the dates.

The first session is on 5 February 2022, 10 am to 1pm and we will be packing 40 sets.

You may find out more about this non-profit organisation here:

Stephenian Samaritans Pack Teachers' Schedule