Staff Bulletin 2022T4W3

published on Sunday 25 Sept 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

This week will be a busy week with the P5 boys going for their Outdoor Adventure Camp and our P6 boys off for their PSLE. In the following week, we will be celebrating Children's Day with a carnival run by parent volunteers. Lessons will be suspended for that day and do look out for the details below.

As we work through this busy Term 4, I would like to cast our minds back to our 7 Habits workshop over the June holidays. For this week I thought it would be timely in our busyness to remind ourselves of Habits 1, and 2 which we covered:

Habit 1: Be Proactive - The Habit of Personal Responsibility,

  • Take responsibility for your choices, regardless of circumstance.

  • Responding instead of Reacting

  • Using our 4 unique human gifts: Self-Awareness, Imagination, Conscience, Independent Will

  • Focusing on our Circle of Influence

  • Changing our paradigms by changing what and how we See.

  • Become a Transition Person

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind - The Habit of Personal Vision

  • Give your efforts direction by articulating your vision for your life.

  • Keeping our purpose and outcomes in mind when making decisions

  • Thinking through and creating the outcome in your mind before creating in reality

  • Being clear about the fundamental purpose of our life

For this week, let us reflect on how much of Habits 1 and 2 have we been practising? Did we find ourselves in situations where we could practise these 2 habits? Was it difficult? If not yet, take heart and keep perservering and start practising Habits 1 and 2.

"Lead your life or someone else will."

—Stephen R. Covey

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

P6 Sexuality Education


Relevant Levels: Primary 6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 4 Week 5

Information Details: Dear teachers, the Primary 6 pupils will be having their Sexuality Education Programme - The Growing Years. It addresses the subject of human sexuality from a holistic perspective, involving the physical, emotional, social and ethical aspects of sexuality.

Primary 6 subject teachers and teachers deployed to teach the programme, please check the schedule and let Danielle know by 3 October 2022 if any changes need to be made.

P6 Sexuality Education 2022.docx

International Lasallian Days for Peace 2022


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 26 September 2022

Information Details: Dear colleagues,

The 2022 International Lasallian Days for Peace begin on 21 September (the United Nations’ sanctioned International Day of Peace) and run through 21 October. This 16th annual event is themed “Building New Pathways for Peace.” The theme was inspired by both Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti (literal meaning: all brothers) and the events of the 46th General Chapter earlier this year.

Please log in to Zoom at 12.30 p.m. We will start the assembly with an original song written by St. Patrick's School for this commemoration.

Meeting ID: 884 4081 2329

Password: Lasallian

Children's Day Celebration 2022

By: Yasotha & P4 Teachers

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 6 October 2022

Information Details:

Dear Teachers,

We will have our Children's Day celebration on 6 October 2022. Refer to attached document for the programme.

Here are the links to the schedule and

  1. Schedule :

  1. Deployment for teachers in class and recess duty :

Do note that there might be slight changes on that day due to teachers who need to be away. The final deployment will be sent to you via school handphone on the morning itself.

Thank you.

SSS Children's Day 2022_for teachers

PSLE Days School Timetable (29/09 to 5/10)

By: PSLE IPE Mdm Belle Taw & Relief Team

Relevant Levels: All staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 29 to 5 October 2022

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,


Please note that for the above-mentioned PSLE days (29 September to 5th October 2022), with HBL and P5 camp happening at the same time, the school's overall timetable has been revised to cover all the missed periods as staff are deployed in official duties. Please find the attached timetable to plan ahead and do give relief instructions to colleagues who are covering you.


1) Read the daily note on top left corner for important instructions for each day.

2) Duties and deployment are colour coded for P5 Camp, Invigilators, Reporting Officers and Liasion Officers

3) Black out = Periods not deployed due to the levels not in school

4a) Yellow=periods needing relief/ periods relieved

4b) Name indicated in the period= Staff you are covering


Do note that I have revised a few deployment in the Reporting Officers and Liasion Officers Lists. This deployment plan attached is the most updated as of today.

Wishing you a good week ahead! Thank you.


Mdm Belle Taw IPE &

Mr Sheikh IPE

PSLE (Written) 2022 Staff Duties & Job Descriptions.doc


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.